5 Habits That Invoke Distrust

5 Habits That Create Distrust

There are social situations where the interactions are brief and ephemeral. Other people form an idea of ​​us that is partly conscious and partly unconscious. They form an opinion based on what we say, but also based on how we express ourselves through our attitudes and gestures. And in some cases, this can evoke distrust.

This shouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that a lot of these ephemeral moments are also extremely important. It can happen during a job interview or during a private meeting to make contacts that are of interest to us. And those situations where we want to make a good impression on someone we have an emotional interest in. In that case, we want the other person to experience a pleasant and positive feeling about us.

That’s why it’s worth recognizing the ways we express ourselves and deciphering what they mean. It is also important that we are able to optimize them so that we can take advantage of them when the situation calls for it. And in order to achieve this, we have to look at the expressions that hurt us and the ones that are good to repeat.

Habits that evoke mistrust

1. Biting your lower lip

When you bite your lower lip, you somehow convey  that you don’t agree with what comes out of your mouth to a certain degree. Unbeknownst to you, or anyone else, it is one of those expressions that will be interpreted as questionable or fake. in relation to what you say.

Woman with red lipstick who bites her lip and this can cause mistrust

This expression also indicates that there is a secret message underneath. People often say ‘I bit my lip not to talk about this or that’. That is an incorrect interpretation. When you use this expression there is something that you are keeping a secret that could contradict what you are saying.

2. Constant frowning

A furrowed eyebrow is a sign of anger, irritation or disagreement. Frankly, it’s one of those things that we do often simply because we’re stressed. But there are also people who do it so often that it ends up being scarred on their face.

When we are afraid or nervous, we frown. And it can communicate a lack of confidence, be it in the other person or in yourself. We also frown when we want to sharpen an observation or when we want to take a defensive stance.

3. Blinking your eyes regularly and quickly encourages distrust

This is one of those things that is hard to control. This is because  it is almost an automatic reaction to situations that cause nervousness. We usually blink about 14 to 17 times a minute. But when we are nervous, that number is considerably higher.

Man who winks and this can evoke mistrust

The worst is when we start blinking quickly and especially a lot. The attention of our interlocutor will focus on our strange expression. It’s easy for them to then stop listening to what we’re saying and start paying more attention to that uncertainty we’re communicating with our eyes.

4. Hide your hands when you speak

Our hands are all expression. They emphasize, avoid, interrupt or complement what you are saying. That is why we see people who move their hands a lot while talking as more spontaneous and reliable. This habit creates a sense of sincerity.

On the other hand, it  communicates just the opposite message  when someone hides their hands while talking. It’s like you’re hiding something (literally). Keeping your hands behind your back, in your pocket or under your desk or crossing your arms isn’t something you do when you’re comfortable. If you do, you are apparently forming a barrier to communication.

5. Don’t Laugh, or Laugh Continuously – Habits That Induce Distrust

Laughter is definitely one of the most heartwarming expressions. When someone smiles at you, without even realizing it, it helps you be more positive in that conversation. This is a wonderful model to initiate a dialogue, positive, calm and friendly.

Man who is totally bursting with laughter

But  when someone is smiling or laughing all the time, it can have a negative effect. In that scenario, what they express is just nervousness, a lack of concentration, or an excessive urge to be accepted. That message is of course less positive and will eventually become an obstacle for others to appreciate you.

All of these scenarios do not  involve a disguised or false identity. Just the opposite. Through the way he expresses himself, a person can get to know himself much better. So, by becoming aware of how you communicate with other people, you can adjust the message you really want to convey through your body language. 

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