5 Steps To Help Yourself When You Are Depressed

5 Steps to Help Yourself When You're Depressed

Depression is very unpleasant and painful. You feel unmotivated and have no energy and no desire to do anything with other people. This is accompanied by despair, a sense of guilt, mistrust, a lack of hope and physical and mental exhaustion.

In these circumstances, your way of thinking and the way you see the world also changes. It seems like the world is a hostile place. You can no longer think logically because of fear.

You can take back control

Many people believe that depression is only solved with pills and specialized treatment. To achieve clinical depression that requires it, you must have been through a lot. If you are able to fight your depressive state before you get to this point, you can often regain control.

Dark clouds

We all experience unpleasant things. The problem is that in some circles it is not accepted to say that you are going through a difficult time or that you are feeling depressed and sad. But  sadness isn’t bad. Overcoming is in your own hands. You can’t leave it to others or wait for it to pass, as if it was just bad luck.

Depression as a Learned

Our attitude to life is something we have learned,  culturally or socially. Stereotypes, parental upbringing, viewing our environment, or the assimilation of our beliefs all play a fundamental role in our attitudes.

If we add one more thing to this stigma, which means depression for many, we find ourselves on a bomb that we have very little control over. To regain control we have to relearn a lot and be critical by learning ways of behaving and responding to circumstances and also how to love ourselves more.

How can you help yourself when you are depressed

When you feel like the world is collapsing, it’s easy to get swallowed up by it and resort to medication. But  medication will not always solve your problems. In any case, medication and treatment will have to be prescribed by a specialist.

You may not be in control of certain events, but you can control how you deal with them. Let’s take a look at some strategies for overcoming depression to make you feel better.

1. Admit it

Don’t be ashamed. Acknowledge the fact that you are not feeling well,  that you are sad or that you feel like your world is collapsing. You don’t have to tell the whole world, you just have to admit it to yourself. It’s natural and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Some will tell you not to cry, that it will be okay, or use other clichés. But you have a right to feel the way you feel. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Moreover, it does not always mean that you also suffer from depression.


2. Don’t focus on the negative

When you have acknowledged that you are feeling depressed, you begin the liberation. During depression, we tend to focus on the negative things as if they are permanent and the positive things become temporary. Now that you know that, you can change the way you think.

If you feel bad, it will be the negative that is bringing you down. Don’t pay attention to it, let it pass you by and try to see the positive things around you, as subtle as they seem. Be thankful for the little things, no matter how small they are. That will help you not just think about the negative.

3. Move

When we are depressed, we feel heavy, which prevents us from moving or being active much. We want to hide, but this only feeds the negativity and worsens our mood.

When we fight that reaction and get moving, the depressive state begins to fade.  Intense exercise has been proven to work better against depression than medication, especially if the exercise is done outside in the sun.

Exercise not only helps by filling our brains with oxygen, but it also aids in hormone production that makes us feel good. As a result, it combats the effects of negativity and sadness and charges us with energy.

4. Put stress management techniques into practice

The accumulation of stress exhausts us so much that it can make us feel depressed. We could say that a  depressed mind is a stressed mind. That way, our depressive state would not be a result of negative thoughts, but of stress piling up.

Therefore  , it can be good to use stress management techniques to overcome depression  and feel better quickly.

5. Take Action Without Thinking About It

Woman with Flowers in Her Hair

Don’t fall into the trap of trying to rationalize your feelings or evaluate whether the above tips will help you or not. It does not matter what caused the depression, that is getting old cows out of the ditch. You must now try to get out again. Also, don’t try to understand exactly how exercise or gratitude or any other advice we’ve given helps. You just have to put it into practice. It won’t hurt you.

The depressed state shuts down our minds and fills us with mistrust. But, if you look deep into your heart, you will find a light that tells you to try, because you have nothing to lose anyway.

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