8 Types Of Dreams And Their Meanings

Does everything we dream have a meaning? Do the same types of dreams mean the same to everyone? What does psychology say about this? Find the answers to these and other questions here.
8 types of dreams and their meanings

The world of dreams is as fascinating as it is unknown. Not everyone believes that different types of dreams have meaning or that they contain a hidden message for us. However, there are more and more books and articles about these dreams and many of their attributed meanings hide a symbolism and a story.

Today we are going to look at eight curious types of dreams and their meanings, at least according to some authors writing on the subject.

Using psychology, Freud was one of the first to try to interpret the world of dreams. One technique he used was free association, where the patient explained his dream and began to make associations between its elements and their lives.

According to Freud, the actual content of the dreams was not so important, but rather the interpretation we ourselves made of that dream (and of each of its elements).

In reality, it is not that everything we dream means that a certain thing will happen, but that everything we dream has a meaning for our psyche.

Moreover, especially from the point of view of psychoanalysis, dreams often hide suppressed desires, hidden fears and other kinds of elements that are present in our lives and in our minds.

Dreams channel many emotions and thoughts in a way that is not possible while awake. Discover a little more about the curious world of dreams below!

8 types of dreams and their meanings

Some strange dreams and their meanings

What does it mean to dream that you have fallen in love? Or that someone is chasing you? Or that you are eating? Here are some curious dreams, along with their possible meanings, taken from two books: The Great Book of Dreams (2006) by Anna Monteschi and How to Interpret Dreams (2004) by Luis Trujillo.

Dreams and their meanings: different types of tickets

Some dreams are about different types of tickets. If you dream about a movie or theater ticket, Anna Monteschi suggests the following message: “Introverts get tired of entertainment.”  On the other hand, dreaming about a lottery ticket has to do with luck and being careful not to want to get too much.

If the ticket is for a bus or tram, it suggests that you may need to put initiative into practice, as small changes you have to make require it. To dream of a train ticket is related to sacrifices that could improve your current situation.

Finally, getting caught without a ticket suggests that while everything has been easy for you so far, you’ll soon have to pay for what you have.

Food or food

To dream that you are eating is related to the need for new stimuli. When it comes to a lunchtime meal, it has to do with good social relationships. To see live animals in your dream then symbolizes aggressiveness.

Eating meat represents safety and maturity. On the other hand, eating fish means you get news quickly. If you are eating ashes in your dream, then it means that you tend to punish yourself unnecessarily.

If the food is tasty, it means that you are open to new experiences. But, if the food is unpleasant, you turn down opportunities to open up. Pre-prepared food in your dreams indicates confidence in your own abilities. If you eat vegetables, on the other hand, this has to do with a stable situation in your life that gives you little satisfaction.

To dream that you are eating in company is related to unfulfilled desires. On the other hand, dreaming that you are eating alone means that you will soon live in an unforeseen isolation.

If your dream is about sweet food, then you may be in need of affection. When it comes to fruit, it has to do with health problems. Or finally, if leaves appear in your dreams, it has to do with acquiring knowledge about deception.

Dreaming about stations

To dream that you are in a station, be it a subway or train station, is related to serious problems caused by your indecision.

If you are accompanying someone who is leaving, it has to do with the fact that you will soon meet an interesting person. If you meet someone at a station, it means that you are at an important but confusing moment in your life.


Dreaming about birth can be related to happiness and improvements in your life. If the person in the dream is born blind and dumb, it may be related to bad luck or an unfortunate twist of fate.

Coming into the world in a beautiful way means that you forget all the worries you had for a while. To dream that you are being born as an adult means that you have renounced your childhood.


This is another common dream, or should we say nightmare? To dream that you are being chased means that you think that someone is after you for selfish reasons.

If you are the one who is chasing something or someone, it could mean that you want to harm someone, without any reason to do so. If you are chasing an animal, it means that you are mostly acting instinctively in your life.

Get drunk

To dream that you are drunk is related to excessive impulses that you may be having, which can cause financial harm to someone.

If you get drunk on liquor, it means you find it hard to control your own actions. On the other hand, if you dream of wine, it could be related to a current state of disorientation in your life and feelings of guilt.

Dreaming about falling in love and its meanings

Fall in love

Who hasn’t dreamed about falling in love? This dream has to do with a desire to experience a true love story. If you dream that you are falling in love with your own partner, then it means that your relationship can be long lasting. If it’s about a stranger, then you’re looking for something new in your life.

On the other hand, you can dream about old friend. Then you need certainty. If it is an object that you have fallen in love with, it means that you are very impulsive.

Dreaming about a lake, what are the meanings?

Lakes are positive symbols in the world of dreams. However, if you go swimming in it, it could mean bad luck is lurking. When you are on the coast, a positive period is approaching in terms of friends and work.

When sailing on a boat, there are calm and unimportant trips coming up. On the other hand, if you live next to a lake, this symbolizes peace, but also a lack of stimuli in your life.

Have you ever had any of these types of dreams? Do you believe that dreams have meaning? We all have dreams almost every night, even if we don’t always remember them. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. If you don’t, you will soon forget them. Perhaps there is something important in it that you should keep in mind.

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