I Am Addicted To Work, What Can I Do?

Do you think you are addicted to work? Are you sacrificing your personal and family life for your job? This article will help you figure out how to get on the path of recovery and find balance in your life.
I am addicted to work, what can I do?

Being addicted to work, also known as workaholism, is a problem that many people face in our stressful world. In this work-obsessed culture, it’s easy to believe that being a workaholic is a good thing. After all, workaholics get a lot done! However, being addicted to your work can have serious consequences.

In the article “Workaholism, a Review” , author Steven Sussman explains that people who are addicted to work are unable to maintain a balance between their personal and work lives.

Man busy with work

What fuels workaholism?

As we mentioned above, society does not view workaholism as a bad thing. In general, sacrificing quality time with family to make their lives “better” is socially acceptable.

This is a problem, as it gives workaholics a very useful excuse. “I’m doing it for you” is one of the things they often say. It doesn’t matter if they are sick, on vacation or off. Someone who is addicted to work still goes to work when he is sick, works overtime and does not take vacations.

Many workaholics are freelancers, which makes it even easier for them not to take vacations. Freelancers have a built-in excuse to always work and forget about their social and family life. Work is everything, so relationships take a back seat.

Advice for a workaholic

Being addicted to work can affect your physical and mental health. That’s why it’s important to recognize your problem and take some steps to improve. Many companies have a protocol that they use if they notice that an employee is working too much. If you think you’re also working too much, you can use the same strategy.

Evaluation and therapy

The first piece of advice for someone who is addicted to work is to be evaluated by a specialist and begin therapy. Many experts believe that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in helping individuals make changes in their daily lives.

The following actions are also good if you want to recover from a work addiction:

  • Attending workshops aimed at developing emotional competence.
  • Learn stress management techniques to deal with the anxiety you feel when you’re not working.
  • Find a support group for people in a similar situation.
  • Try to identify the main cause of your work addiction. Why do you seek comfort in your work?

Family therapy if you are addicted to work

When you’re struggling with a work addiction, it’s important for your family to get involved. Work addiction can lead to quite unhealthy family dynamics that you have to work through together.

For example, if you feel like your family doesn’t understand you, it’s easy to use your job as a way to escape or avoid your problems. That’s another reason why family therapy is absolutely critical to recovery.

Freelancer is still working for a while

The role of employers if an employee is addicted to work

While it’s important that you take charge of your situation and seek help, your employer should also have protocols in place for people who work too much.

Some of the things companies use to discourage workaholism include repositioning positions, making schedules more flexible, ensuring breaks are taken, and encouraging collaboration. Employers should also be careful not to reward people who work the most hours extra.

Do you think you are addicted to work? Do you never have time for your friends and family? If the answer to these questions is “yes”, then you need to seek help. If you are a workaholic, there are many different things you can do to recover from this.

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