Body Image Problems In Young People

Body image issues stem from the contradictions between our body’s perception and beauty standards in modern society. In this article we analyze the causes and consequences in young adults and teenagers.
Body image problems in young people

When we talk about body image, we are referring to the mental and subjective representation of our appearance. Sometimes this perception is close to reality. However, there are times when this is far from the truth.

Body image problems therefore stem from attitudes, feelings and behaviors towards our physical appearance.

Most people show at least some dissatisfaction with some aspect of their body. This is normal as long as the individual does not feel the need to take desperate actions to change them. An example is undergoing a surgical procedure to shape or change the body part in question.

A certain term is used to describe this situation. We know it as body image problems or body dissatisfaction.

This dissatisfaction with your body can cause you to engage in harmful behaviors. The goal is then to change the body, regardless of the physical and mental risks. In this case, you definitely have body image issues.

The Origins and Causes of Body Image Problems

Body image problems are very common in Western society. This is also the reason why many experts and researches have conducted studies over the last twenty years. The goal is to finally be able to determine its causes. They mainly examined two different groups of variables:

  • Social Factors. Media, culture, friends and family.
  • Psychological Factors. Negative feelings influenced by social factors. Irrational beliefs that arise under the influence of the individual’s parents and as a result of culture.

Moreover, it is clear that psychological factors have everything to do with social factors. So we can say that they are deeply connected to each other.

The Origins and Causes of Body Image Problems

Body dissatisfaction in young people and teenagers

We’ve mentioned it before. Emotional, emotional and behavioral aspects determine our body image. We live in a society that places excessive importance on how we look. In fact, western society values ​​thinness in women and muscularity in men more than it should.

In this sense, the media constantly overwhelms us with the idea of ​​beauty. In fact, the industries devoted to the idolatry of beauty and “ideal bodies” have seen their profits soar in recent years.

This problem affects all age groups. Yet this message does the most damage during an individual’s teenage years. Adolescence is a period of change.

Teens strive to discover who they really are. This makes them vulnerable to change. The influence of the messages they receive from society and the media can therefore affect them more than any other age group.

In addition, certain studies have shown that body image problems occur before adolescence. This discovery is very worrying. That is why society itself must take measures to prevent this from happening to such young individuals.

The consequences of a negative body image

The consequences of a negative body image

Dissatisfaction with the body sometimes causes people to adopt behaviors that are harmful to their health. Their goal is to get an “ideal body”.

We give an example that has to do with weight. People engage in behaviors such as restricting certain foods, fasting, and excessive physical activity.

When people adopt these behaviors before adolescence, their bodies can suffer. The following problems can then occur:

  • Fatigue
  • Bone problems
  • Stomach and intestinal problems
  • Malnutrition

In severe cases, these actions can even stunt growth and cause delayed puberty or eating disorders. In most cases, body image problems precede these types of disorders.

Eating disorders affect women more than men. In recent years, however, we have seen an enormous increase in these disorders in men. Men often display dissatisfaction when they perceive their bodies as too thin or too fat and not muscular. On the other hand, women are often dissatisfied with their weight.

To prevent all these problems from happening, there is a certain approach. This approach has been proven to be effective in various settings, such as schools.

The focus is on encouraging individuals to be critical of media reports about appearance. As a result, children, teens and adults will learn to recognize what is healthy and what is not. They will also adopt healthy habits.

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