Five Alzheimer’s Warning Signs

Five Warning Signs of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia that manifests itself after the age of 60. Unfortunately, even with current scientific means, progress is unstoppable. The development in the beginning is usually slow. In the early stages of this condition, certain parts of the brain that control thinking, memory, and speech are affected. People have trouble remembering certain things and this eventually leads to more severe amnesia, to the point where they don’t even recognize their own family anymore. Then they become completely dependent on other people.Read on to discover the five warning signs of Alzheimer’s that can help you detect this condition early and slow its development.

Alzheimer’s Warning Signs

1. Doing daily tasks gets harder

It’s normal for us to lock ourselves out, forget to pay a bill, or forget about other daily activities from time to time. However, people who begin to succumb to Alzheimer’s disease do so much more often and sometimes it can pose a danger.

For example they can without them realizing  it gas  a leave an, with all the risks that this entails. In the same way, they can put a cake in the oven and forget it completely. Sometimes these people also forget how to prepare or even serve certain simple meals. They don’t remember how to put the plates, napkins and cutlery…

Man Suffering From Alzheimer's And Suffering From Memory Loss What This Is One Of The Alzheimer's Warning Signs

2. Communication problems are becoming more noticeable

From time to time, we all experience the frustration of having things on the tip of our tongues. But this daily occurrence, which indicates that there is a problem in retrieving certain information, can have a more serious meaning for some people. It could be a sign that they are starting to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease.

People who suffer from this condition have great difficulty finding the right word when trying to convey something. Sometimes they even find it difficult to complete a sentence or explain what they mean. This happens because they are unable to replace the word “on the tip of their tongue” with another appropriate word, and they cannot explain what they mean by other words.

Because of this disease, people with Alzheimer’s are starting to have more and more problems communicating. Their vocabulary is weakened and they forget very simple words that they normally use on a daily basis, words without which it is difficult for them to express themselves in a coherent and understandable way.

3. Disorientation in places they know well

One of the main alarm signals of Alzheimer’s disease is disorientation. People who suffer from it suddenly get lost when they go into the city and even in their own neighborhood. Sometimes they may even experience brief periods of disorientation in their own homes.

Suddenly they no longer know where the toilet is or they no longer recognize their own house. Experiencing these kinds of situations can cause severe tension and anxiety. We need to pay attention to these incidents, however brief they may be, because they can indicate that the person has Alzheimer’s.

As we get older, we all experience mild cognitive impairment, causing us to forget things like doctor’s appointments or where we’ve put something in the house. It is important to point out that not all people with mild cognitive impairment will develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Woman who suffers from Alzheimer's and loses all kinds of brain functions because those are warning signs of Alzheimer's

4. Problems with abstract thinking

If we leave our children with grandparents and their grandparents completely forget about them while taking a bath, then this could be a clear sign of the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. A temporary confusion is normal, but people with Alzheimer’s completely forget their responsibilities and even have trouble remembering when told what happened.

That also happens when they are looking for things. People with Alzheimer’s disease easily lose objects and tend to put things in the wrong place, for example the sugar in the oven or clothes in the fridge. If they look for it where it should be, they can’t find it and forget where they put it. They also tend to forget what they were doing. For example, if they’re cleaning and looking for the broom to sweep the floor, they might forget they were cleaning and start doing something completely different.

5. Sudden Mood Swings

People with Alzheimer’s disease have sudden mood swings for no apparent reason. They may suddenly start crying after being completely calm before, or they may become angry if they were happy a while ago. But in addition to all this, there is one change that leaves no doubt that they suffer from this disease: they lose the initiative to do things. The  forgotten what they were doing, disorientation and mood swings undergoing them, ensure that they are tired and very passive perform their duties.

These are some Alzheimer’s warning signs to consider when we suspect possible dementia. It is necessary to emphasize that they can be very subtle in the beginning, and can be seen as normal things that happen to all of us and that we don’t really think about. Over time, however, these Alzheimer’s warning signs will become increasingly apparent and frequent.

Picture of a snowy forest with birds above

Discovering these symptoms when Alzheimer’s is in its early stages will make treatment more effective and delay the onset of more severe symptoms of the disease. This allows the patient to remain independent for longer and the quality of life will not decrease so quickly. 

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