How The Color Of Your Walls Can Affect Your Emotions

How the color of your walls can affect your emotions

Walls are construction elements, but they also have a symbolic value in our lives. Walls represent an obstacle in space and metaphorically they remind us that there is always a limit. In this article, we’ll look at wall colors and how they affect our emotional health. Color and feeling are closely linked.

If you think about it, you will see that almost everyone spends a large part of their life looking at the walls in their environment. At home, in the office, in a hotel and in any other building we can find ourselves in.

Our environments undoubtedly influence the way our thoughts work and the way our emotions are organized. Although it may not seem like it, the walls speak to us too.

Colorful Abstract As Symbol For Relationship Between Color And Feeling

Color and feeling

The perception of color is very subjective. As such, colors don’t really exist. They are formed in the brain after it deciphers the signals that the light radiates over objects. In addition, under certain emotional states, colors can be perceived in different ways.

Some types of depression cause the victim to see a kind of dark aura about everything he perceives. Other conditions, such as schizophrenia, can make colors appear to sparkle, glow, or are distorted.

Not only can our feelings influence the way we perceive colors, colors can also cause feelings and lead to certain emotional states. Colors have also been proven to affect health by activating or inhibiting biochemical and hormonal processes.

The color of our walls and its effects

The color of our walls is a factor that can contribute to the stimulation or stabilization of our emotions. Ideally, we could often change the color of our walls to match our emotional state or needs at different times. But since this will be difficult, it is a practical solution to use several colors in the same room.

Of the four walls in a room, two could be one color and the other two a different color. Or three walls one color and one another color. Or every wall a different color, as long as the whole is aesthetically pleasing.

Being influenced by different colors at the same time is actually pleasant and can positively affect your mood. Murals are also an interesting option, especially if they depict natural scenes such as green fields or the sea.

Colorful Interior That Induces A Calm Feeling As An Example Of The Relationship Between Color And Feel

Emotional Effects

Each color affects our emotions differently. While some colors will stimulate us, others will calm us down.

  • White. This is a neutral color that reflects light and creates a feeling of space in a room. The psychological effect that white causes is calmness and freshness. It promotes concentration and makes the walls less noticeable. It is recommended for people who are in an emotionally disturbed state.
  • Green. This is a calming color often used in hospitals for its effects. Green promotes the feeling of confidence and well-being. It is recommended for reducing excessive anxiety and activity. In small rooms, a soft green color should be chosen.
  • Blue. This color conveys to us a sense of peace and friendliness. The color helps to bring harmony to spaces where many conflicts take place. We must be careful about applying blue to our walls, as excess leads to apathy and loss of appetite. It is advised to choose gray-blue or a light turquoise color.
  • Yellow. This is an energetic color that helps overcome fears, fight depression and increase a sense of security. Yellow is especially recommended for people who are grieving or suffering from melancholy. Yellow provides action and promotes optimism. All shades are suitable.
  • Red. Red should be used with caution. An excess of this color on the walls could cause restlessness and promote aggressive feelings. Red is stressful, so it is best to incorporate this color into our interior by using small decorative elements or by applying it to the walls of the hallway or other places where you do not have to stay too long.
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