What Can We Learn From Painful Experiences?

The title of this article actually already inspires some peace and relief in itself.  Because the idea that painful experiences can teach us lessons gives us peace of mind. After the pain there is life in which we can apply what we have learned.

We have all experienced suffering that we thought would never end. It felt like it would last forever. It was as if the pain would remain buried in the depths of your being, making your life difficult and your path in life complicated.

You see yourself sinking into an endless spiral of pain. If you think about the future, you can already guess what your life will be like. But if we manage to leave this dark gray place where we find ourselves and look at ourselves from a distance… we will realize that we are under a black cloud  with a bright end  .

Learning the lessons behind painful experiences

We are under a black cloud and it is pouring. It rains and rains and we are soaked to the bone. We feel naked. Moreover, we are cold and we are afraid that on this winter day we will die in the freezing cold without shelter. We are inexperienced. Naked and vulnerable under a black cloud that never ceases to unleash its wrath on us, we suffer the consequences.

But somehow we are our own black cloud. We create the gigantic battles we fight ourselves. Have you ever seen yourself like this? Have you ever seen yourself telling yourself with extreme cruelty and conviction that you will never get out of this suffering? That you can’t recover from so much pain in your soul…

But trust me,  you will recover.  You will make it. Because the painful experiences you go through (breakups, conflicts, disappointments) become a part of you.

Even if you go through a difficult period, rest assured: you will learn from it

There are small lessons in every experience, even if you don’t realize it. You may think that this process will not happen, or not for you. But it does happen. That’s for sure. Because in the end, all painful experiences have meaning.

The point is to show us that we need to learn something. For it will help us continue on our path with a lighter burden on our backs and with a clear view of our limitations. Because if we don’t mark the boundaries of our path, we run into walls. We stumble from one place to another. But when we, on the contrary, build our identity and look for what fulfills us, our minds become clearer and our paths more fruitful.

Therefore, painful experiences are intimately connected with the opportunities to learn something in life. Behind every bad experience lies a potential lesson that we should not overlook. Because in life there are situations that we repeat over and over again until we learn from them.

Suffering is human. Learning from experiences too

Even if you see yourself in a gray dark cloud full of anger and desolation, rest assured. For beyond the cloud a beautiful sun is just waiting to shine warm light on you. Obviously, when you’re under the cloud, it’s not easy to see this. But that’s okay. Everything needs its time. Suffering is normal. It’s actually a human thing.

Woman hugging herself because of her painful experiences

It is also normal to get out of this suffering and learn from it. Sometimes more effort will be required and at other times less. But in any case, don’t forget what you’ve been through. Also don’t forget all the periods when you thought you were on a sinking ship.

You may think it’s worse now. Or maybe you believe you’ve never experienced anything like it. But believe me when I tell you the rules are always the same. What goes down always comes back up. In the end, you’ll be glad you didn’t give up. 

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