The Adventure Of Meeting People Never Ends

The adventure of meeting people never ends

An evening with old friends, an adventure to a place you have dreamed of and endless nights of parties… After all this the question arises: are these the people I want to share my life with? If we hadn’t already known each other, would I still be friends with my childhood friend? Or would I meet people as a way not to limit myself?

Many of us ask these kinds of questions when we are not interested in spending time with certain friends or our partner. The opportunity to meet new people is an alternative that we should not forget.

We believe that because we share similarities and spend time with someone at some point in our lives, there is no need to meet more people, but one day you will become estranged from the people you thought you knew. They have nothing to do with you anymore, with your values, your interests and your way of life.

Maybe it’s worth taking a risk because meeting new people can enrich your life and broaden your horizons. We don’t always have to limit ourselves to our circle of friends; we can always open our borders.

A walk with different people

There are people we’ve walked all the way with. We have shared important parts of our lives with them and without them we cannot understand our past. The influence of their actions, their words and even their gestures have been determining factors for us. But for some reason,  people disappear from our circle of friends, we distance ourselves, or we simply lose the intensity of the bond they had with us. It’s something that comes with life. Changes in our path are necessary and natural.


So our circle of friends keeps changing as time goes by, as do our interests and attitudes. This is why the adventure of meeting people is something that will never stop.  Just as we change, so do the people in our path.

Surround yourself with people who share your values, not just your interests

If you share your interests with a number of people, you will have unforgettable moments together, but if there are no values ​​that connect you, those times will be boring and meaningless. This is why you should not limit yourself.

We believe that when we have reached a certain age, we cannot meet new or different people, that everything is already settled and settled, but there is no wrong age to meet people.

Don’t cling to relationships that don’t add anything to your life, or because you’re afraid they’ll get mad at you. Knowing people who share your values ​​will help you grow, both outside and inside.

Life is so short that our only consolation is sharing unforgettable moments with unforgettable people.

The digital age and relationships

New ways to communicate virtually are a good tool for building relationships,  but we don’t realize that if we turn off the computer, we also turn off half the day. We feel safe, we communicate even when we are tired or poorly dressed and that calms us down.

We are becoming more and more aware that we miss unforgettable days and direct contact. When I read old books, I marvel at the strange ability to communicate all day long, even with people you don’t like.

We don’t have to focus on old books. Before the digital age, we went out and every day was an opportunity to experience something new. It is important for us to think about how many days have passed without doing anything new, without being involved in activities, without being together or just enjoying nature.

We have also become disenchanted with relationships. We may think that virtual relationships are another way to maintain relationships, but that way our life is compressed into a screen and when we turn it off, it ends. Broadening our circle of friends with direct contact is also beneficial. We cannot limit ourselves to meeting people behind a screen.

I want to meet people, I want to return to life, even if it means making mistakes


I went through strange periods, I was scared and confused, but I have felt that I was alive and I want to experience this again. I want to escape this kind of listlessness and enter a new phase where I can challenge myself.

I want to meet people who share my values ​​and interests, my opinions, my happiness and my sadness. Meeting people helps us grow and get to know the world from a new perspective  and that’s what I want.

There are many broken people in the world, waiting for a meeting and a hug to fix all the broken parts. There are many happy people waiting for more laughter and sad people eager to have company so they can help each other. There are many people waiting for others to get along with.

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