Are You Addicted To Chaos?

Are you addicted to chaos?

Chaos addicts are more common than you think. They are always at least fifteen minutes behind and therefore they arrive late, running and panting. They apologize and blame the traffic.

They are also desperate at the end of the month when the bills come in and they realize for the umpteenth time that they have bought more than they could actually afford and now have a serious problem. All is lost, they never find anything and they are always wrong about all kinds of information.

They are also bullies. They are the type of person who fights over everything. They blame the supermarket because the cookies have become more expensive. They blame the taxi driver for driving too slowly, even if the traffic prevents him from continuing on a street. They are constantly arguing with something or someone.

Chaos addicts are also huge slobs. Their closet is a horror place. There might be an orange next to a sweater, and under a pile of poorly folded clothes might be the front door keys they lost two months ago. When someone asks about their mess, they deny it. They say they simply don’t have the time, that order is only for those who are ‘not busy’.

Addicted to chaos and its physical origins

All addictions are related to a degree of dependence on a substance. In the case of addiction to chaos, this substance is in the body and is called ‘adrenaline’. In short, chaos addicts are actually addicted to adrenaline. That’s why they look for and create situations that cause their bodies to start making this substance.


Chaos is defined as disorganization, incoherence, disorder or dispersion. When confronted with such situations, a person develops defense mechanisms for action or attack. At the same time, these reactions are accompanied by a series of chemical changes. The most important of these is the production of  adrenaline  and cortisol, the stress hormone.

Many people want to free themselves from stress, but a chaos addict, on the other hand, feels a fatal attraction to everything that throws him off balance. There is joy in experiencing tension and the state of permanent defense.

The problem occurs  when the threatening situation is resolved or over and the body automatically produces less adrenaline. What follows is a state of depression, which the addict can only overcome if he gets into even more trouble or generates new conflicts or makes new mistakes.

Overcoming Chaos Addiction

In general  , any addiction is caused by a deeper conflict that has not yet been resolved. This  compulsive  tendency to create new problems is nothing more than a strategy to get attention. The problems they create reproduce like viruses and always require an urgent solution.


Suffering is a form of inaccurate fear of  failing to locate a subject. In other words, you feel your fear but you cannot define what the danger is, where it is, or whether it even exists. It is merely experienced as an invasive fear.

Generating chaotic situations is a way to subconsciously give substance to two objectives: to find an object on which the fear can be projected and to let that fear bloom in all its power, to experience it and, apparently , to channel it towards a specific defense action. But since the underlying problem remains unaddressed it is necessary to start the cycle again and again. It eventually becomes a way of life.

It’s not easy to overcome an addiction, including this one. What’s especially important is that you learn to recognize the underlying conflict that keeps you getting into trouble. But to get to that point you have to dig deep within yourself. What can help with this is meditation or therapy.

What is basically recommended is to practice being alone, calm and quiet, so that the body no longer resists a lack of tension, which makes the restlessness disappear. In addition, in this way it becomes easier for the consciousness to open up to old wounds that have not yet healed.


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