What Makes Us Happier, Stability Or Change?

What makes us happier, stability or change?

How would you describe yourself? Like a person with wings? Or maybe just as someone with roots? Often it is not easy to choose between the two, between stability and change.

Life is not black and white. Our lives are colored in shades of gray. It is filled with all sorts of tiny circumstances that lead us from one path to another.

Sometimes we feel the inexplicable urge to spread our wings and escape from the life we ​​are currently living. To escape from what surrounds us at that moment. However, this isn’t always possible, because we all have roots—some people have deeper roots than others—that keep us from leaving our lives completely behind. That kind of change requires a lot of determination and it is not something that is easy to come by.

So what’s better? Stability or change?

The truth is, there is no right answer to this question. In reality, only “circumstances” are real. Important moments in which we choose to drop anchor or, on the contrary, to hoist the sails and look for new lands. Decisive moments in which we must bring out all our courage.

A life of change or stability

Some people can’t stand standing still. They are always looking ahead to the wide horizon that lies ahead. They feel that they need to move on, in search of new goals, new dreams to fulfill so that they can satisfy their hungry hearts. Their hearts are seldom satisfied.

These people simply don’t belong in routines. They revolt and continue on their own journey, leaving behind the people around them, their memories, their joys and also their sorrows. A life with wings will not always bring true happiness. However, it does offer a lot of opportunities to find your true essence.

And what about people who have roots? Sometimes these people are described as conformists. As the kind of person who seeks stability, because stability equals security and destiny. A place without changes, where you are not confronted with unexpected or new things. A place of serene calm where you can build a life according to your own values.

Which of these two would be happier? The one who is always on the go? Or just the one who needs to let his roots penetrate even deeper into the ground? In extreme form, neither is ideal. The true meaning of life consists precisely in the balance between these two dimensions.

People who are always only looking for change and movement may never find peace. Their existence will always be filled with questions that are rarely answered.

In contrast, people who need stability and security run the risk of settling for a life of suffering just because they fear change. They may fall into the trap of thinking it’s better to keep quiet and not ask questions, so they don’t find out that there are other options. Other options that might make them happier.


Finding the Balance

You could say it’s “hard to fall in love with someone with wings, but it’s also hard to pull someone’s roots out of the ground.”

What is really worth living in life is giving yourself the opportunity to feel and experience things with wisdom and maturity,  understanding that life is made up of a series of continuous changes. We must be able to face all the restless currents in life. Sometimes they bring something good and sometimes something less good.

The important thing is that you give yourself the chance to feel every experience. When you feel happiness, let your roots penetrate deep into the ground, so that this happiness can be maintained for as long as possible and will not slip away from you. Be brave and accept the challenge of stability and destiny.

However, if later on you find that this happiness is being polluted by sorrow and pain, be brave enough to accept this reality and leave the situation with maturity and integrity.

Your happiness is always the most important thing in life. And a healthy life needs wings as well as roots. In this simple wisdom, balance is the key.

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