Keeping Control When Things Go Wrong

Keeping control when things go wrong

You too have probably experienced situations where gray clouds prevented you from seeing the sky or a storm prevented you from enjoying the sun. Misery is always accompanied by an unbearable feeling, a feeling you wouldn’t wish on even your worst enemy.

You must know that not ‘everything’ is bad. You are loved by those around you and you possess the strength to step out and push through. Even when you think you’ve lost this power, your heart continues to beat and your brain continues to think, helping you avoid obstacles.

The last thing to do is lose your peace. When you are relaxed, it is easier to keep your cool and think about what is the best option for you.

Use the following tips to keep your inner peace during the worst moments of your life.

1. Recognize the clues your body is giving you

When you feel tension, it’s because your body is giving you some warning signs. It is therefore important to pay attention when, for example, your muscles are tense or your heart beats faster than normal, your breathing is accelerated or your body temperature rises and you start to sweat excessively.

We don’t all experience the same cues, so it’s important to learn to recognize these cues as quickly as possible when they pop up.

2. Breathe in and out deeply

To keep your cool in almost any situation, it’s important to know how to control your breathing, especially in situations where you feel like the world is collapsing around you. When we are under pressure, our stress level rises, making our breathing the clearest outward indication of trouble.

This is because the body is preparing the fight-or-flight mechanism. Close your eyes and breathe in and out very slowly. Hold the air in your lungs for five seconds, then release it very slowly. Repeat this simple exercise as many times as you need. You will slowly begin to notice differences in your body. You will be more relaxed.

3. Look for things to do

When you have a problem, it seems that everything in your life revolves around it. However, if you focus all your energy on the things that go wrong, the situation can actually get worse. When faced with difficult situations, it is sometimes better to keep your mind busy with other things. It doesn’t matter how often you check the situation in your head, the only thing you achieve with this is more worry, sadness and depression.

Do what you feel like, such as listening to music, reading a book, watching a movie, getting an ice cream or watering the plants. Don’t ignore the problem. If it is possible to do something substantial about it, by all means do it; however, when a situation cannot be resolved, don’t let it control you completely.


It’s also good to keep your body occupied with some form of exercise; in this way, the negative energy that accumulates in your body is released. Try swimming, boxing, dancing, biking, hiking, or even jumping rope. There’s no reason why you should sit at home staring at the ceiling and picking at your fingers.

4. Chewing gum

This may seem a little strange, but it is actually a very interesting relaxation technique. What do people often do when they are bored, depressed, or worried? They eat a lot. So if you’d rather not stuff yourself with everything you have in the fridge, try chewing on some sugar-free peppermint gum. This will keep you from feeling the urge to eat and also calm your nerves.

5. Play

We could combine this activity with tip four, but there is an exception in this case. The idea is that you enjoy yourself the same way you were when you were a kid, with someone who is no older than six or seven years old. Who? This can be your own child, a niece or nephew, a godchild, a brother or sister, the son or daughter of a friend or a neighbor’s child.

Pay close attention to how these children let themselves go in the park, how everything attracts their attention, the things they laugh about… and try to imitate this as much as possible.  You will certainly be tired afterwards, but you will also experience peace of mind and be in a good mood and happy. What is especially important is that while playing you will forget all your worries and problems for a while.

Playing with Kids

6. Develop a better sense of humor

Laugh at the things that happen to you, even if it will make others think you’re crazy. Try to see the bright side of bad things. This is by no means easy, but not impossible either. Laugh at yourself every day.

7. Take your time

When your body is tense, your heart beats faster. You cannot think clearly about what is happening and you want to act without first analyzing the situation. Don’t expect to find answers to the questions that haunt your mind or the questions that others have in those moments. It is better to take the time needed to think and then come up with an answer at a later time.

8. Talk to an ‘outsider’

This could be a psychologist or someone you are not connected to or who has nothing to do with the problem you are currently dealing with. It should be someone you can talk to well, but who won’t be drawn in by the subject. Gaining an outside view of the situation can make it easier to find solutions that wouldn’t have occurred to you before.

9. Try to imagine what others would do

If you admire someone, perhaps a relative or even a celebrity, try to imagine how this person would successfully get themselves out of this situation. What would he do? What would he think? What would he say? Try to do what you think this person would do: act, think, and talk in a similar way.

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