I Too Deserve To Be Loved

I too deserve to be loved

I see that I deserve to be loved and respected and appreciated and it is not at all selfish or pretentious to think this. I want my soul to smile and my heart to be sure that it has found its place in the world.

It wouldn’t be silly or arrogant at all to say these words out loud to ourselves. Declaring to yourself and convincing yourself that you deserve to be a loved one, that you are the most beautiful thing another person has ever seen, is actually very rewarding. Being respected and appreciated is not a privilege at all, but a right.

In addition, when you know that you deserve to be loved, then you should also know how to love others yourself, how to see others as part of yourself. This is a sign of freedom and a way of expressing yourself that will make you a greater person and that we all deserve to experience.

We all deserve to be loved by those around us, first by our family, then by our friends and finally by our partner who can love us consciously, maturely and mutually.

Nothing is more valuable, nothing is more fundamental than the feeling of being loved and valued and respected. Let’s reflect on this.

I deserve light on my life path, no storms


The people who come into your life like a fierce winter storm are people who don’t quite know how to love themselves or how to truly appreciate themselves. The people who treat you with contempt, neglect you and behave indifferently are true masters of unhappiness and no one deserves to be treated in such a way. No one deserves to experience the emptiness that comes with feeling unloved or unrecognized.

When we love in a way that allows us to recognize and appreciate those around us, we plant our roots in the soil of the world and can blossom both inside and out.

On this website we often talk about how important it is to love yourself, how necessary it is to have enough self-confidence. Confidence allows us to withstand adversity and show who we are, both to ourselves and to the world. It allows you to protect yourself and enjoy being yourself.

Self-love is essential. However, because we live within certain social contexts and have the need to build certain bonds with others, it is also important to remember the following:

  • Self-love is that inner voice that tells you that you deserve to be loved: you need a form of love that doesn’t involve tears, but that involves sincerity instead of sarcasm, closeness and cooperation instead of manipulation. You don’t want a form of love that is compulsive and full of misery.
  • Self-love is also what tells you that you deserve to be respected. That no one has the right to attack you or what you have to say. You know that offensive and insincere words are hurtful, so you try to avoid people who use those kinds of words. You protect yourself and set boundaries.
  • Self-love reminds you that you deserve to be appreciated for the things you do and for who you are and it’s definitely not selfish to think this. The people who appreciate your presence show that they love you. Appreciating others means giving them a place in the world. It means acknowledging them and giving them a voice, presence and appreciation.

Love and be loved

Since we know the limits we have set to prevent our rights from being violated, it is also important that we know that we should put as much effort into loving, appreciating and respecting others as we would like them to do to love, appreciate and respect us.

There are two unbridgeable gaps in the world of emotions: loving others deeply and not getting love in return, and not knowing how to love the way others love.

Some people only know how to make demands. They need to be constantly recognized and served, to always be a priority for everyone, to be heard and of course to be loved more than everyone else. They want people to love them more than themselves. These are people who devour and destroy.

If you want others to love you, first learn to love yourself humbly, sincerely, and consciously. Love with an open heart and open eyes; give as much as you can to others, but remember to be recognized for this and expect the same in return.

Giving love and receiving love is not just a need, but a value that should characterize human beings: we as humans should know how to love those around us and also how to receive affection ourselves and appreciate it here. able to bring up.

Parents should never deny their children affection and partners should not make their relationship understandable in any way other than through everyday gestures that build affection, passion and admiration. And this affection, passion and admiration should always be mutual.

To love in a conscious and mature way means appreciating the other person for who they are, recognizing that they are part of the plan of life, like a piece of their own personal puzzle.

In addition, we all deserve some form of love that makes us happy instead of sad. We all deserve a sincere form of affection that grabs our hand and makes our fear and insecurity disappear.


–Images Courtesy of Benjamin Lacombe–

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