Always Choose Optimism

Always choose optimism

Every life goes through mountains and valleys and everyone is confronted with negative events for which he or she has not consciously chosen. They test our strength and resistance, as it were.

The death of a loved one, the loss of a job or a relationship that is coming to an end… You dive into a deep valley, but it is always worth looking for the other side of the story, because believe it or not, it is always there.

What is optimism?

The word optimism comes from the Latin word “optimum” which means “the better side”. Optimism is the art of always looking on the bright side of events. It is an attitude to life that you can learn.

You probably know people who always remain steadfast and stay positive, even in the face of adversity. They focus on the good and can discover an advantage in any situation.

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Can you learn to be optimistic?

Psychologist Martin Seligman, director of the psychology department at the University of Pennsylvania, developed the direction of Positive Psychology and describes it this way: “To be optimistic requires the will to find a solution to every problem, to discover the benefits and possibilities in every situation. that occurs in life.”

It takes vitality and a strong will. And it takes training. Because you can learn to be optimistic. You can train yourself to always look at the positive side of life. But how do you do that now?

Learn to love yourself

Don’t have negative thoughts about yourself. Accept your weaknesses, but also your strengths. No one on this planet is perfect. If we were perfect, we wouldn’t even be human at all.

Take care of yourself, every day. Go for a healthy diet and include daily exercise. Keep your mind active by reading, writing and always being open to new developments and challenges.

You don’t need the approval of others

It can indeed be frustrating when friends and family aren’t happy with the choices we make, but don’t let this dictate your actions and life path. Don’t let it paralyze you and prevent you from doing what you want to go for.

It is important for your own well-being to continue. Follow your gut feeling and intuition to make decisions that will make you feel good. A good sense of self-confidence is absolutely a necessary part of a positive outlook on life.

Learn to say ‘no’

Saying ‘no’ is healthy and has a therapeutic effect. Limit on your agenda the things you don’t like and that drain your energy. You must learn to set these limits, because no one else will do it for you.

Don’t be afraid of the consequences if things go wrong. This fear is paralyzing and can make you feel like you are no longer yourself.

Learn from your mistakes

During your life you make many mistakes and you fail regularly. That’s part of life. But we are always learning and it is of the utmost importance that we learn lessons from every mistake we make.

Try to see light in every dark moment

If your partner abandoned you, it may have happened for a reason. Think of it as space that is freed up to let someone new into your life or to give you the opportunity to enjoy being alone for a while and make time for yourself.

If you’ve lost your job, there may be a new, fun job for you on the horizon. Or you can use the freed up time to follow a new course.

It is your choice with which glasses you look at life.

Not just thinking, but also doing

However, it is not enough to think positively. The next step is also to act positively. Roll up your sleeves and build your future and life path in a creative way and with an open mind.

Understand your emotions

It is important to examine your feelings and understand why you feel guilty or sad. After understanding comes control and you will be able to make decisions that are no longer driven by fear or negativity.

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The benefits of being optimistic

Optimism leads to better health

Optimistic people get sick less often and also heal faster. A positive attitude is likely to boost immune system function, producing more hormones that can help drive germs and viruses out of the body.

Less stress

When you are optimistic, you experience less stress than when you look at everything through a pessimistic lens. Optimists believe in themselves, in their qualities and what they can achieve. They possess self-knowledge, know their flaws and learn from their mistakes. They have learned to look on the bright side of life.

Better Relationships

Optimists have better relationships with their family, partner, friends and colleagues. They have learned to maintain good relationships and to make the most of every relationship.

The secret as Mark Stevenson, founder of LOPO (League of Pragmatic Optimists), tells us:

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