The Ten Best Quotes From Osho: Words To Think About

Osho's ten best quotes: words to think about

Osho’s quotes are about love, awareness and personal growth. They are a heartfelt gift to anyone who wants to think, question themselves, and go even deeper.

Osho was a spiritual philosopher, an Indian guru and a great orator. He has lived much of his life in India where he gave lectures everywhere. He also lived in the United States for a while. There he founded a community known as Rajneeshpuram. But his life has not been free from criticism and polemics.

Everyone who knew him says he was a revolutionary. According to them, he was a person capable of confronting the deepest beliefs of his society. Thanks to his charisma and his fluent words, he won thousands of followers and shared his vision of life and death with the world.

He wrote spiritual books. Here are some of his books that stand out:  The Book of Secrets , Love, Freedom, and Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships , and Enlightenment: The Only Revolution .

Osho has undoubtedly left a great legacy. Today we can commemorate them with the following quotes.


Osho .’s ten best quotes

Love is appreciation

“If you like a flower, don’t pick it. Because if you pluck it, it dies and ceases to be what you love. If you love a flower, let it be. Love has nothing to do with possession. Love is about appreciation.”

For love is to give wings, not to chain. That’s Osho’s concept of love. If we limit our beloved, if we want and demand that he change, he will no longer be the person we love. That is why it is important to respect the other person and let them be who they are.

Being an adult is accepting the cost of being yourself

“Be the person you are. Never try to be someone else, and you will grow up. To be an adult is to accept the cost of being yourself, whatever the cost.”

This is one of Osho’s quotes that we should remember every day. We don’t mature by being who other people want us to be. This means that we try to please people and look for approval. In the end we deceive ourselves.

An adult person accepts himself. Above all, he takes responsibility for himself in all respects, does not play a victim, but the protagonist and acts accordingly.

Nor does he wait for something to happen. Adults build their own destiny. Moreover, they are not blind to their mistakes either. But they see it as an opportunity to learn.

Rose blooming

For Osho, enjoyment is a priority

“Enjoy! If you can’t enjoy your work, change jobs. Don’t wait!”

Osho sees enjoyment as a fundamental part of living a full life. But he’s not talking about superficial, material pleasure.

He means the kind of pleasures that come from within, from our consciousness. It is a feeling that brings an appreciation for the little things and for the wonders of everyday life.

He also says that when you are in pain and feeling helpless, you should put your energy into change. It encourages us to get out of our comfort zone, find our place in the world and discover our potential.

We are unique

“No one is better, no one is inferior, but no one is equal nonetheless. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am me. I must contribute my potential to life; you must contribute your potential to life. I must discover my own being; you must discover your own being.”

This is yet another quote from Osho that is burned into our minds. It’s a great starting point for reflection. We are not better or less or even equal. We are a ‘limited edition’.

So that means the comparisons we make are rarely fair… it’s just not the same as comparing apples to apples.

It is a mistake to live mindlessly. Taking what others do or what we think they would do as a point of reference is a mistake. The objective is very different.

It’s about discovering our potential and remembering our strengths. This assignment absolutely requires that we connect with ourselves and that we give the best of ourselves to others.

Woman looking at herself in the mirror

The art of unlearning

“You are not wrong! It’s just your model. The way you have been taught how to live your life is wrong. The motivations you have learned and accepted as your own are not your own. They do not fulfill your destiny.”

Osho, the spiritual philosopher, proposes that we unlearn, tear down the old walls that limit us and replace them with new ones. They should be pliable and give us space in case we need it.

Osho proposes empowerment and liberation from guilt. When we view problems and errors in this way, it frees us from disapproval.

What he is saying in his words is that we are not wrong. Rather, it is our way of thinking and looking at what happens to us and what happens inside us that is wrong. There is always a solution for that. We have to look for a new perspective… a new angle, a new point of view.

The value of looking inside yourself

“I know of no greater merit than that which it takes to look within yourself.”

Osho reminds us that it’s more than breaking stereotypes, more than confronting our fears, and more than taking risks. Because the most valuable lies in our ability to look inside ourselves.

If we want to continue to grow, it is fundamental that we have the courage to face our fears, close the gap and shed light on our brokenness.

But we must be careful. For this impulse can make us backslide and ensnare us. The best way to look within ourselves is with responsibility, acceptance and respect.

A free woman because Osho's quotes are about freedom

The importance of the now

“That’s the simple secret of being happy. Whatever you are doing, don’t let the past move your mind; don’t let the future bother you. Because the past is no more and the future is not yet. To live in memories, to live in your imagination, is to live in what does not exist.”

The now is a central theme in Osho’s quotes. We can actually find it in many quotes. The power of the present and of our awareness of the present will give us a life that we live in an intense way.

If we fix ourselves in the past or hold on to expectations, life will disappear without us even noticing. Happiness is not a matter of yesterday or tomorrow, but of today. We seem to have a bad habit of forgetting this.

live without fear

“Life begins where fear ends.”

Fear limits, paralyzes, entangles and makes small. It robs us of our lives. What should we do then? We must be brave and yet face what frightens us. If we don’t, we’ll end up with ‘what if…’, ‘but…’ and expectations.

Let’s get past the fear. Let’s take the risk and cross the line and see what happens. Often what we imagine is much worse than reality…

Enjoy your own company

Here Osho invites us to reflect on the importance of self-love, not only for ourselves but also in our relationships.

If you find yourself annoying, a bum, worthless, do you really expect people to enjoy your company? We only give the things we sincerely feel and think. So if we want a healthy relationship based on trust, we must first believe in ourselves and trust ourselves.

You can see that Osho’s quotes are a valuable legacy. That applies as much to what they say as to what they inspire us to do. They can be the first thread of a thought or the first drop of many more that will help us change.

If we want to question ourselves and get to know ourselves sincerely so that we can get to know everyone else afterwards, we can turn to Osho’s quotes.

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