Correcting Someone Who Has The Wrong Idea

When someone has the wrong idea and you want them to see it, do it respectfully and assertively. Don’t adopt an attitude of moral superiority, because you could soon discover that you are the one who is wrong.
Correcting someone who has the wrong idea

Finding an appropriate (and respectful) way to correct someone who continues to spread the wrong idea is something everyone should learn. After all, fake news abounds, which means it’s very easy to take it as fact. What’s really complicated and you have to fight against is that disease that plagues so many people in the world: the need to be right.

Assuming that everyone makes mistakes is essential. This is an exercise in humility because it is true. If it is difficult for you to assume that making mistakes is human, then you will also have a harder time convincing others of their misconceptions.

So, how can you do that without leading to a fight? Is there a strategy for convincing someone that a particular idea is wrong without causing tension and negative emotions that often escalate?

You could say it’s a matter of tact, but in fact it goes much further than being knowledgeable and being able to correct. However, it does mean that you have to do it intelligently. You must be willing to recognize that it is entirely possible that you are the one who is wrong.

After all, it’s about knowing how to pave the way for a dialogue in which respectful and assertive communication can thrive. A dialogue in which ideas can flow and arguments maintain an appropriate tone.

Two people talking

Strategies for correcting someone who persists in a wrong idea

Everyone wants to be right. Defending one’s own truth is a virus that plagues the entire world population. Most people cling to their ideas like sails to a mast and fire to a match. You can assume that mistakes show weakness for many. Few people feel comfortable failing or being told they are wrong.

So, have you ever felt like you had to correct someone who had a “wrong” idea? For example, it often occurs in people with whom you have a close bond. For example, it happens when most remember it a certain way, but there’s always someone with “false memories,” even if you’ve been through the same experiences.

Your partner, father or best friend may be confused about certain dates or situations. You will then try to tell them it didn’t happen as they say it did. If you don’t do it right, a fight will ensue.

Here is an example in the context of a workplace. Have you ever had to make a co-worker realize that what he said or did was not true or correct?

Everyone has experienced such a situation. And admit it, you’d like to tackle them more successfully. So, read on to discover some ways to do that.

Start with something positive, without emphasizing the mistake

If you want to correct someone who has the wrong idea, don’t start with expressions like ” What you’re saying isn’t true ,” ” That’s not quite true ,” or ” Look, you’re doing it wrong .” Such phrases will only put the person in front of you on the defensive once you start talking.

It’s a much better idea to use persuasion skills and argue things more intimately, approaching them as positively as possible. For example: “ Yes, it is true that we went to this city, and it is also true that we stayed in a rather old hostel. You’re right, but your brother wasn’t on that trip because…

Correcting someone who persists in a wrong idea: watch your tone

When you correct someone and point out their mistakes or wrong approaches, it is quite easy to adopt an authoritarian, ironic or confrontational tone, almost instinctively. You should avoid doing this as much as possible.

The tone in which you speak is just as important as your arguments. You must be tactful, empathetic and calm while trying to communicate.

Support your arguments with data

When it comes to correcting someone who keeps holding onto a wrong idea, don’t start by saying you’re right. This is because the truth without support means nothing because there is not enough data to back it up. It’s just smoke and can easily escape through a window.

So to prove yourself right without being obtrusive, you have to do so with solid arguments. To do that, you need to communicate assertively and provide detailed, objective information. In addition, it is essential that you listen empathically so that you can respond appropriately.

A bored woman

Assume that you will not always be able to convince the other person

You will not always be able to convince someone else that they are wrong about something. So assume that some people aren’t interested in seeing things from your point of view when it comes to correcting someone who has the wrong idea.

This occurs, for example, in cases as complex as someone who defends creationism or certain sects or people who oppose the use of drugs.

There are facts that some people just can’t understand. This happens every day because you are dealing with fixed values ​​and religions. As you can see, fanaticism and ideological misunderstandings are rather difficult to discuss. Pointing out the faults of those who protect themselves with myths is as complicated as it is exasperating.

Acceptance is all you can offer in light of these situations and other simpler situations, such as those associated with false memories. And on those in which your interlocutor insists on defending his point of view. Remember that you live in a world where everyone defends their point of view.

Try to have as many calm, intelligent arguments as possible. This is the only way you will be successful and assertive. So just let it go if you don’t get any further. It is best to withdraw unscathed at the least emotional cost.

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