When You Become Your Own Worst Enemy

When you become your own worst enemy

We all go through all kinds of things during our lives that sometimes make us feel mistreated or humiliated. We often think we are over it, but in reality we are not. As time goes by and the abuse disappears, we begin to mistreat ourselves without even being aware of it.

I have to be good, humble, compliant, because I believe that I am worth nothing and I deserve nothing, because I think this is my job, even though I think I will never be good enough for it.

These kinds of thoughts are very recognizable for many people, especially those who suffer from a lack of self-confidence, insecurities, frustrations, fears, guilt…

If you find it difficult to find value in yourself, accept yourself and see that you are capable of achieving things and getting everything that others have and have achieved, then you are probably becoming your own worst enemy.

You can choose to be your own enemy or not

Your worst enemy is not everyone around you, but rather everything that goes on in your mind. How is this possible? How can I be my own enemy?

All the criticism you may receive, the insults, the opinions and the judgments that others have about you… You decide whether you accept all this or not.

Sad Child

The power to decide this lies with you. Do you really think you deserve it all? Do you agree with all the negative things others have to say about you?

Doing something just to be accepted by others causes you to develop a lack of self-confidence, which ultimately makes you your worst enemy.

It is true that you can start to doubt who you really are when you are surrounded by different opinions. That is why it is necessary to separate yourself from all those people so that you can reflect on who you are. Once you know who you are, you can deal with all those opinions and judgments much more safely.

How can I make sure that I am no longer my own enemy?

  • Accept yourself and be sure of who you really are.
  • Question any negative messages you receive about yourself.
  • Learn not to have a problem with making mistakes.
  • Don’t always try to please everyone.

It’s hard to stop being your own enemy, but at the same time it’s something that’s completely in your own hands. You need to be sure of who you are and stop letting the opinions of others tell you who you should be.

You must learn to see the mistakes you make no longer as liabilities or a source of shame, but rather as opportunities to learn so that you can do better next time. We all make mistakes. Become aware that you cannot learn lessons without making mistakes. We learn a lot more from the mistakes we make than you might think.

Who am I?

This is a very simple question, but quite frankly quite difficult to answer. Do you know who you really are? If so, why does the comments of others affect you so much?

You must learn not to compare yourself to others, to have faith in yourself and not to get carried away by what others have to say about you. You are unique and irreplaceable, with flaws, but also a lot of skills.

Have faith, believe in yourself and don’t bend over backwards for the preferences of others. Being yourself will help you achieve the happiness you so desire.

Your choices are the choices that make your life what it is. So start choosing today. Who will be in charge of your life? You or others? Be a little selfish with yourself and distance yourself from what others have to say. Your life is yours and you will determine how you live this life.

Accept Yourself

Be aware that the confidence you have in yourself will help you to move on, to try, to experiment; while if you don’t have confidence in yourself you will only suffer from insecurity.

Ask yourself where you want to go with your life. Do you want to become so perfect that this will eventually be your downfall? The answer lies in not being perfect.

Be natural, try to progress, make mistakes, learn and live just the way you are. Free yourself from everything that others tell you, everything that blocks and paralyzes you. Be free of everything and move on with your life. You should never allow yourself to be your worst enemy.

–Illustration courtesy of Malota–

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