The Greatest Sin You Can Commit Is Not Being Happy

The greatest sin you can commit is not being happy

Greed, envy, pride, selfishness… all these things can be considered terrible sins, but there is no greater sin than not being happy. Life’s too short to tiptoe through it…suffering, complaining, miserable.

It is up to you to decide what to do with the time you are given. Therefore, think long and hard about whether you want your time in this world to be a beautiful story full of love, friendship and overcoming challenges or a sea of ​​tears and constant suffering.

You can’t always be happy, but you can almost always

I don’t want to be cynical, but I also don’t want to be innocent. You may not be able to be happy every hour of the day, because there will always be things happening around us that disrupt our tranquility, atmosphere and our lives in general. This is clear.

We can, however, create a balance that tends towards happiness.

Think about your past. Quietly observe all the years of your life, from the first moment you were aware of the world to the present moment. What do you see?


There are many things you will appreciate when you create a thoughtful balance in your life. However, if the end result is that you were happy despite the bad and hard times, the tragedies and sorrows and even the challenges and complications, then you have really made the most of your time on this earth.

When you see the tragedies dragging you down like a chain around your neck, you are unable to hold your head up, it is hard for you to look into the future and your life is a sea of ​​tears from which you If you cannot escape, you are committing a terrible sin, for you are not happy.

Is happiness overrated?

There are people who think that happiness is overrated. Maybe they are right. Still others say that happiness is impossible to achieve and perhaps this is true. There are also those who think it’s a concept we invented in an attempt to justify our stamp on the world. I certainly won’t be the one to deny this.

Despite all kinds of research and wise sayings, I have indeed learned one thing in this life and that is that when I am in love, have a job that I enjoy and am surrounded by the most important people in my life, I am happy. I feel great, filled with a sense of home, of being where I want to be. I feel like a loved, valued and unique person. Is that luck?

To be happy

Maybe I don’t have the answer. Some may now think that I am not happy. However, I am at peace with who I am, what I do and what I have.

How do you achieve happiness?

I only know one way you can be happy and that is by being yourself. But it is not enough to keep it superficial.

People can only be themselves if they know themselves intimately. In the deepest depths of each person’s heart is their unchanging truth, their true personality, the personality that jealously guards the dreams and desires of the soul.

In the depths of our being dwells the object of our true quest for happiness. Because your heart will not lie to you and it will tell you who you do and don’t want to be with, which job you want and which you hate, which partner complements you and who is only with you out of self-interest. Discover it and see it for yourself.

Stop waiting, because every day that goes by is precious time that is lost. Don’t sin by not being happy. You deserve the best and you are the sole owner of your present and future. Grab it with all your might and start being who you really are.

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