A Better Way To Educate And Educate Children

While raising a child is a beautiful experience, it can also be a monumental challenge. Today, despite (or perhaps because of) all the information available, we seem more confused than ever about how to raise children. In this article, psychologist Miguel Ángel Rizaldos gives some tips on how we can do better for our little ones.
A better way to teach and raise children

There is a better way to teach and raise children. That is what we will discuss today. While there are many different educational philosophies and methods, parents seem more lost than ever when it comes to raising children. Why is this?

After working as a psychologist for 28 years, I believe that over-concern is a barrier to putting all that available information into practice.

Parents and educators have become helicopters hovering over their children all day long. This stands in the way of healthy development. Children should be able to discover and experiment the world. If they are continuously supervised by an adult, they will not be able to.

Moreover, parents and educators pass on their own fears to the children in their care, whether they realize it or not. After all, your children are a relatively accurate reflection of who you are.

A father with his daughter

Education today

It is true that today’s life is more complex in so many ways. While the basics are still the same, technology has added many more facets to what it means to be a parent or a child.

It seems to me that the way we teach and raise children does not make sense. On the one hand, you don’t want to make mistakes and you want everything to be perfect. On the other hand, you want your kids to be perfect too. However, this is counterproductive and often leads to the exact opposite.

While it’s obviously important to raise your kids the best you can, you’re bound to make mistakes. Your kids will make mistakes too. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. However, failure also often brings important lessons.

Perhaps your over-concern is related to your desire to control everything so that things go the way you want. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. Ultimately, there are many things that you have no control over.

A better way to educate children

The basic elements of a healthy upbringing are:

  • Recognizing and appreciating appropriate behavior. Constantly criticizing children doesn’t help at all. Being angry all the time is a totally ineffective way of getting your message across.
  • Be empathetic and put yourself in your children’s shoes. Since you were once a child yourself, remembering what that was like can help you be more understanding.
  • Do what you say, say what you do. Be consistent. If you don’t really intend to do something, it’s better not to mention it.
  • Listen carefully to what your children have to say and how they are feeling. This makes communication much easier.
  • Say how you feel. Most people find it inappropriate to express negative feelings in front of children. However, if you do it the right way, it can be a good lesson in emotional management.
  • Take care of yourself. If you focus completely on your children and forget about self-care, you will quickly burn out and have nothing left for your children. As the saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you try, you’ll be sending your kids the message that taking care of yourself isn’t important.

Be a good example

As a parent (or educator), you pass on your values ​​and beliefs in your daily interactions with your children. If you’re looking for a better way to educate children, pay attention to your own behavior.

While you won’t be the only person influencing their future behavior, the way you teach and raise them prepares them for the future.

Actions speak louder than words, especially when it comes to children. That’s why it’s so important to make sure what you say matches what you do.

You can’t pour from an empty cup

As a psychologist, I can confirm that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” That’s why it’s very important to make sure you set a good example for your children and take care of yourself. If not, burnout will develop quite quickly. Your care for your children then becomes a heavy and unhealthy burden.

As we said above, if you run out of time or energy for yourself, you have nothing to give. The worst part is showing your kids that self-care isn’t important. If you don’t, why she?

A mother with her daughter

Pass on your values ​​to them

Your behavior should reflect the values ​​you want to pass on to your children. If not, your words lose their meaning. That’s why it’s so important to be motivated and always look for a better way to teach. Be aware that you are responsible for the well-being of your children in the future.

  • You are the foundation of the healthy development of your children.
  • You are their example and role model.
  • Their development and education start with you.

Being a good parent is not easy. Take care of yourself so that you can feel good and have enough energy to help your children live their best lives.

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