A Hug Is Worth Much More Than Any Gift

A hug is worth much more than any gift

A heartfelt hug warms the soul, sets our hearts on fire, lifts us up, makes us tremble and gives us goosebumps. That’s why a heartfelt hug is worth much more than any gift. And that’s why cuddling with the people we love can really make us happy and make us feel special and unique.

A hug builds ladders with its warmth, makes us lie down and forces us to consider the space around us. Thanks to this affectionate gesture, we have the chance to remember the things that comfort us, to be present even when we are not aware of them, and therefore we laugh for no reason.

Hugs don’t solve anything, but they help us remember that our problems have no power over us, that our problems won’t break down our walls or ruin our crops.

Hands against each other

The Power of True Affection

Hugs are a way to let our loved ones know that we love them without having to open our mouths. Being able to sink into the pleasant memory of a hug means letting our feelings fly away and giving them a chance to comfort our skin.

Hugs are the fruits of true affection, of a collaboration in which each person shows their true self. Their souls exposed, almost skin to skin, enabling them to unravel the geography of the heart.

Through hugs you give and receive energy that boosts your emotional well-being. We are made to feel contact, to touch and to convey our emotions to others through touch. That is why it is important to stimulate your sense of touch. Because of our sense of touch, we are able to strengthen our bonds with others, to comfort others, and to reassemble the pieces that have fallen apart from the difficulties that life has presented to us.


Love as the mainstay of growth

Love makes us grow; it waters our innermost emotions and thoughts. Hugs are the ultimate gesture of love because they allow us to be there for the people we love when they need it. So it’s well worth giving as many hugs as possible that turn into encouragement when we stumble on our way and start to lose heart.

And when the sun and the body need rest, hugs turn into a confidential light that guides us on our way and watches over our dreams. That’s why hugs turn into humility when our ego gets too big; they make us grow and make us feel better.

Hugs turn into moderation, caution, and certainty. In giftedness, peace, strength and balance. This is possible, because a hug is like the key to a closet that contains an elixir that can make all our problems disappear.


Often we are way too far away from the people we value, so we can’t give them a physical hug in the way we would like. However, there are also psychological hugs, hugs that are just as genuine and meaningful as hugs that involve skin to skin contact.

A psychological hug is one that someone cannot give to you directly, but can escape and travel thousands of miles through the air, under a table or through a phone call. This is possible because we actually hug people all day long, through our actions, our words and our attention and care. Thus, hugs become the most universal gesture of affection that there is and thanks to hugs we can transfer love to our loved ones.

In that sense, physical hugs provide more affection when they are also psychological at the same time; that is, when the hug comes from within, from our own desires. The hugs that are really valuable are the hugs that also become psychological and emotional, the hugs that make us close our eyes and really think about it. In short, the hugs that count are the hugs that nurture our sense of well-being at the same time.

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