Call Me Crazy, I’ll Be Happy

Call me crazy, I'll be happy

I’m so tired of hearing the word crazy all the time, especially when it’s not used correctly at all. It’s as if the word crazy is a misplaced and often misused pronunciation that is pleasing to the ears of the ignorant, but gnawing at those who do know better.

Crazy, insane, weird, different, weird, flawed, insane, dangerous, unbalanced, maniac, fool, mongoloid, schizophrenic, insane, jerked off, bipolar, sane, paranoid, livid, stupid, sick, unhinged, psychopath possessed, idiot.

Fill the void of ignorance with meaning

Crazy Happy

All ignorance can be cured with words. Get rid of stigmas and false myths. Make sure you get closer to the true reality. All I ask of you is that you banish outdated concepts and open your mind to a concept that may be new to you, but exists for everyone.

I know your confusion is not malicious, but sometimes the opposite thought does cross my mind. I won’t deny that the word crazy has hurt me many times too. It made me feel like I was strange, different, and worthless. This is not a good feeling, and it is very difficult to get used to.

I’ve learned, and I expect you to too, that one word can have multiple meanings. That from a distance everything may seem confusing, but the blurriness disappears as you get closer and you get a clearer and more detailed image.

Power in madness

This one word cannot possibly express all the meaning it has come to carry. I’ve suffered, I’ve cried, I’ve felt like I was trapped in a maze from which I couldn’t escape. I’ve had days where I’ve thought about throwing in the towel because I felt like nothing had any meaning anymore. That really nothing has ever had any meaning.

Crazy Happy

If I also had the inclination to give up, luckily I had people around me who reminded me not to do this, who told me it wasn’t worth giving up.  To all those people who have helped me instead of tripping me up, I can only say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There are only a few of us and we fight against many others. I came out of the fight stronger, with wounds and scars that show that I fought to the bitter end, but that all my efforts were not in vain. Today I am stronger, and the things I used to fear are now just part of my routine.

I won’t stop being who I am

It has been very difficult to realize and accept that I am who I am. Your comments made me doubt, hurt me, and made me question every little part of myself. It was a journey full of potholes, full of falling and breaking, but in the end I managed to reach my goal.

Of course, I’m not perfect; I’ve never met anyone who was. Just like any other human being, I also make mistakes and sometimes go wrong. I try to correct my mistakes, but sometimes it’s too late. I hope you understand that, that you will stand by my side and not turn your back on me.

I won’t stop being who I am just to please you. I am very happy that I got to know myself and that I have come to love myself unconditionally. I did not come into this world to please you and be what you would like me to be. I am myself. I’d love it if you liked me, but just as I accept myself, I also accept that it’s simply not possible to please everyone.

Crazy Happy

Call me crazy, I’ll be happy

If you take pleasure in sticking a word to me that does not apply to me, then no one will stop you from doing so. Tell me what you want if this will make you feel better. Reduce my world to a word and then hide behind it. Call me crazy if you like, but if you do, make sure you know what this word really means.

Crazy, strong, brave, kind, peaceful, affectionate, unique, fighter, capable, educated, careful, responsible, hardworking, admirable, intelligent, thoughtful, great, warrior, tenacious, original, resilient, accurate, sweet, silly, human, sensitive, interesting, extraordinary.

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