Don’t Lose Yourself In Little Lies

Don't lose yourself in little lies

No one likes lies, no matter how small they are. We don’t like the idea of ​​someone else deciding for us what we can and cannot know.

Nothing is more heartbreaking than lies and hypocrisy because it makes us feel small and vulnerable. They make us mistrust the world and freeze our hearts. Little lies cause us to question thousands of truths and hundreds of feelings that we thought were genuine.

flower branch

I’d like to know the truth, I’ll decide for myself whether it hurts or not

When something as important as trust is broken, something in us dies. It’s so sad that good relationships and friendships get ruined by something that could have been prevented.

In fact, when we find out we’ve been lied to, we usually think the truth would have hurt even less than the fact that our trust had been broken. And this is usually very true. A lie always causes more pain than the truth when it is discovered. And we must not forget that it is very likely that the truth will come out; after all, the truth always comes out.

Incidentally, we should not demand honesty, but then be offended by the truth if it is told respectfully. This is important because honest people are often labeled as “bad” because of the truths they tell.

Girl and Bird

Sincerity is the foundation of all trust

We all have the explicit and implicit view that a person’s quality depends on his or her ability to be honest and show it clearly to the world and those around them.

In the same way, we assume that the basis of all genuine affection is complete and absolute acceptance, with no ‘buts’ , no conditions, and no excuses. That is, we understand that basically we don’t have to lie to or hide anything from the people we love and who love us.

But maybe the more affection there is, the more expectations there are. We simply don’t want to disappoint others in their expectations of us, which sometimes leads us to mistakenly believe that little lies are justifiable. 

However, as we said, this is not the case. It may be difficult to comprehend, but we have to remember that we only disappoint others even more if we are not sincere and do this even though we so detract from the image that others have of us.

Disappointed Child

We all make mistakes and may think that a lie is just another mistake. It is our responsibility to consider all possibilities and to be tolerant of others, just as we want them to be with us.

Based on this, it is up to us whether we are able to forgive or not and how we handle the situation. Also remember that the fact that forgiveness exists does not mean that it is justified for others to hurt us.

After all , it is the relationships based on genuine affection that can withstand every truth and reality that surrounds them. However, lies destroy and destroy trust, something that takes hundreds of experiences to build, but can be broken within a second.

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