Five Reasons To Get Up At Six In The Morning

Five reasons to get up at six in the morning

Throughout our lives, in mine anyway and probably in yours too, we hear the saying ‘the morning has gold in its mouth’ millions of times . This saying encourages us to get up early and can be used to educate us or improve your life professionally once you’ve started your career.

Eghosa Aihie, a professional blogger, thought the same thing, prompting him to prove the saying and custom itself by devoting a real investigation to it. The process behind Aihie’s research was to get up at 6am every morning for two years.

The result of this? This habit changed his life.

The author describes five things that perpetuated his motivation to get up early. I invite you to give it a try for yourself, see what happens and let us know how it goes for you.

What are the five reasons to get up at six in the morning?

1. You have more time to think about what you want

One day I realized that I was making it impossible for myself to achieve my goals because I was never able to concentrate properly. By starting your day in an organized and calm way and by knowing exactly where to put your energy that day , you can move forward more easily and you will not block yourself by losing time or by letting your mind wander.

Scientific studies show that your brain functions best in the first few hours in the morning. Therefore, take advantage of these hours in which you are much better able to control your mind. Take advantage and build some emotional strength for later, the harder part of your day.


2. You will have more time to organize your day

If you get up early in the morning, you will have much more time to organize your workday well in advance, without having to start anything and without distractions.

This will help you to effectively execute your plans for the day.

In addition, if you make your daily schedule with a tired mind, you run the risk of making it too overwhelming and less efficient at making your plan. Therefore, the best thing to do is get a good night’s rest and then fully recharge the next day, start your planning calmly and with a fresh mind.

3. It’s the perfect time for exercise

When you start getting up at 6 in the morning, you will have no more excuses for not going to the gym. By getting up this early, you will have a few extra hours to do what you want before you have to start your workday.

In addition, the endorphins your body produces by doing a little morning exercise during the day will be your main source of energy. Because of this, you will be able to enjoy a day full of positivity and joy in relation to everything you undertake.

4. Still don’t know what it means to have breakfast? You can find out now

You have undoubtedly heard how important the first meal of the day – breakfast – is to ensure that you can enjoy your day full of energy. When you have enough time to enjoy a healthy breakfast, you will be able to cope with the loss of energy your body experiences throughout the day.

A study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health scientifically demonstrates and confirms that when you set aside time to eat a slow, healthy breakfast, your body is developing a routine and habit that is extremely beneficial to your health.

Remember that your body needs fuel to perform at its best in the morning and throughout the day.


5. The secret of successful people

Many people who have great success both personally and professionally get up before six in the morning.

Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, confirms in an interview for New York Magazine that he starts his days at 5:30 am. In this interview, he also shared that he uses these morning hours to meditate and run a few miles.

Virgin Group founder Richard Branson said in an interview for Business Insider that he also gets up early, at a quarter to six in the morning, so that he has time to exercise a bit and have a healthy breakfast.

When you get up at six in the morning, you will surely always be three steps ahead of everything around you and be much calmer and more relaxed during the day.

Giving yourself this extra time and doing your daily activities in a calm and efficient way will benefit and bring out your creative potential and ensure that you develop a lot of self-confidence.

This leads us all to conclude that getting up early is the perfect way to take on the world. I will definitely start incorporating this habit into my daily life. What you?

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