Following Your Intuition Is Difficult After Disappointment

Following your intuition is difficult after disappointment

Following your intuition has probably led to anger several times after it sent you completely in the wrong direction. If you then go one step further, you may realize that your distrust has its causes. These often lie with the disappointments that you have experienced during your life.

When things in your social life don’t go as planned, one thing becomes clear:  sometimes you can’t predict everything. Sometimes you are wrong and sometimes you are right without intending it that way. However, being right is not always an equally positive experience.

How often does following your intuition prove to be the right tactic? “ I knew it! I told you so!” When you can rightly say things like that and life proves you right, you feel fulfilled. Satisfied with your quick (and free) compass. We can actually predict something. Not everything is left to chance and all hope is not lost.

Woman with pocket watch

When following your intuition ends in failure, you feel helpless

Try to imagine what it feels like after realizing the following: Following your intuition has come to nothing. It has missed its target and thus failed, despite the valiant attempt at success. You ask yourself, “ What went wrong here? ” You walked confidently along the path and now you lie on the ground like a pathetic heap. How is that possible?

When your intuition fails you, part of you feels helpless. With a selectively operating compass unable to tell north from south, navigating this unpredictable world becomes unsafe. This is especially true if you’re looking for authentic relationships where honesty is the norm. In this kind of relationship the other is not just a stopover but the end station. You are looking for a way to relate to people who are true to themselves and sincere.

This is where you will receive the blow of disappointment. Reality strikes mercilessly and makes short work of our credulity. Really don’t feel naive simply because you have faith in that part of you that reasons without explanation. Don’t label yourself “stupid” because you will trust that same part of yourself again in the future. Instead, remember that disappointments simply exist. They are part of the game you are playing. Of yourself and of the strategies you use to make choices. These will never be perfect.

The assumption that the world is fair is a misconception that you need to be aware of

You can’t predict the future because you rarely have all the information at your disposal. You also have limited resources available to process information, just when there is so much of it available. The possibilities are endless! After all, when you imagine or interpret reality, various filters and misconceptions — or fallacies — are activated in our brains. One of these filters relates to  our tendency to believe that we live in a just world. We especially believe this when we feel lucky. Then we see the world as a lot fairer than it actually is.

We believe — or  want to believe — that good things happen to good people. That same mindset makes us like to believe that bad things only happen to bad people. The world would be ruled by some kind of karma or quiet justice and everyone gets what they deserve. This thought exerts so much real influence on our minds even though it often turns out to be wrong. It is a self-appointed law with many exceptions.

Sometimes life shows its teeth and reminds you of what it really is: unpredictable. Or, at least, less predictable than it would be if the axiom “the world is just” were correct. As a result, no one’s intuition is actually able to predict certain results. You just trust that someone will be honest with you and act according to their own standards and values. You trust him — and then you’re faced with disappointment.

Trust means taking risks

Life isn’t how it should be — at least in the moment when it surprises you so much. You are not prepared for it and your defenses are failing you. Just when you learn to trust again, life strikes again. Your heart is broken and your dreams are falling apart before your eyes.

You blink a few times and realize that everything that was once stable is now unstable. What was gray is now black, and what was white is now gray. It feels like you have stepped on a boat during a severe storm. During these moments, when it is difficult to put your feet firmly in the ground and carry on, you need courage.

We’re talking about the student who studies hard but still fails his exam, the victim of abuse by a partner, the daughter who watches her mother die, the man who remains silent when the doctors tell him he has nothing left for his daughter. can mean. About a city that suffers a terrorist attack by those who believe that life is second in the hierarchy.

We can’t predict everything

Following your intuition is a strategy that you use when you learn to recognize patterns. That’s why it’s easier to predict the behavior of people we know. Intuition can bring very unpleasant feelings, but also the opposite. It can also serve as a kind of internal voice urging us to run if necessary, or telling us to drop something we are doing.

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So if you feel unexpectedly betrayed and hurt by life, don’t blame your intuition. The simple fact is that we cannot always predict the future. We don’t live in a world where all the facts are known, so following your intuition is a fallible tactic.

However, you can build a fair world around you by being sincere. When a person is sincere, he is reliable and predictable. You always know what you’re dealing with. It is exclusively up to you to trust or run away from this person. In conclusion, your intuition itself is not to blame for your failure. Making mistakes is part of the nature of everyone’s intuition — and therefore yours.

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