Four Signs That A Relationship Is Broken

Four signs a relationship is broken

However, time gives way to routine, to flaws, to the need to make adjustments in the lives of the two people in a relationship so that the relationship can move forward. There comes a time when one of the two has to give up, and giving up suddenly seems to cost so much more than it did in the beginning. Do not worry; this is the natural course of relationships. We can not always maintain the degree of dedication and idealization that existed in the beginning, as this often ends up creating dependent people.

That said, what are the real signs that our relationship is headed in the wrong direction? Are there any indications that a relationship is crumbling? When will these clues arise, and is there a solution or is it already too late?

1. Derogatory Criticism

If there is trust and strong love between two people, then it is normal for there to be criticism from both sides as well. In fact, this is a healthy way to get to know each other better and improve certain aspects of the relationship that we weren’t aware of before. However, not all criticism is the same, and sometimes we use criticism to hurt the other person. We call this derogatory criticism.

Everyone makes mistakes, but if our partner uses this type of criticism to attack or hurt us, it could mean that this person no longer feels the same for us as we do for them. A clear example of this could be ‘Look what time you are, it’s clear you don’t care about me anymore.’ This is just a mean comment, in any situation.

What can you do in this situation? Well, clearly tell your partner that it doesn’t work that way and suggest that they come up with a plan together to improve the situation. This way you will be able to reconnect, do things together and talk about your problems.

2. Contempt

If there is contempt on one or both sides, which is regularly shown, then we can say that the relationship is not going in the right direction. Contempt can take the form of sarcasm, insults, or imitations. Any of these will make the other person feel less valued.

What can you do in this situation? We really only have one option, and that is to rebuild mutual respect and emphasize the things we do like about the relationship. Tell each other what you like about each other or what you appreciate about each other. In this way you will be able to strengthen the affection between you again.

3. Shooting on the defensive

It’s a very normal reaction to get on the defensive when we’ve done something wrong. No one likes to admit they’re wrong, so we often try to justify our actions with those of others. However, if our partner is constantly on the defensive and about anything and everything, it could mean that they have started to love us less. It can be a sign of infidelity, and getting on the defensive will help the disloyal party feel less guilty about their ‘misstep’.

What can you do in this situation? If a problem arises and our partner becomes defensive, it is best to look for a solution by looking critically at the behavior of both of you and to put aside pride and revenge.

4. Sleeper

This is one of the last clues to tell you that your relationship won’t last much longer. Sleeping can take several forms. There is hardly any communication, you are in a rut, you no longer share interests…

This generally occurs after a long period of crisis and bad moods, or it is because there is an irreconcilable problem between you. Be that as it may, if one or both parties are continuously disruptive, a breakup is very close.

What can you do in this situation? If you genuinely care about your partner…do something! Talk to him as soon as you can and try to figure out how to turn the relationship around. Be concise, gentle and clear. Give the other person the space to say what they don’t like about you and allow yourself this space as well. Try to come to an agreement that, if it works, will make your relationship stronger than ever before.

Images Courtesy of buscarparejahoy

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