Free-floating Fear: An Aspect Of GAS

Free-Floating Anxiety: An Aspect of GAS

I’m not afraid of anything in particular, but actually… I’m afraid of everything. That’s what free-floating fear is – it’s the uncertainty that lurks in the shadows and then catches you, that takes your breath away, just as you want to leave the house. It’s like living in solitary confinement, in a room with no windows. It is a constant spiral of worry, a suffocating ball of despair.

In her diaries, Virginia Woolf said that life is like a dream and waking up kills you. It’s as if there is somehow a defining moment in your existence when you wake up and open your eyes to all the responsibilities and the heaviness of life, all the unstoppable urban movements, all the disharmonious noise of human relationships. It feels like all that movement not only overwhelms you, but it also makes you smaller.

Of course, we all experience those sobering moments when we discover that life is sometimes painful and difficult. But there are thousands of men and women who are experiencing something much more complicated than that. We’re talking about a diffuse, shapeless fear that keeps you trapped in a behavior pattern of exaggerated and repetitive worry about almost everything.

This emotional state of growing insecurity and chronic stress gives rise to free-floating anxiety, a form of anxiety that is part of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). This reality is as exhausting as it is complex. This is because the worry and reactions associated with free-floating fear are not focused on anything specific; instead, they are all-encompassing. This is in contrast to other anxiety disorders.

GAS can be summed up in one simple yet powerful sentence: ‘I always think something bad is going to happen to me.’

Sketch of the face of a woman suffering from free-floating anxiety

Free-floating fear and irrational fear

Adrian is 35 years old. After ten years of relationship, he was abandoned by his girlfriend. She fell in love with someone else. And while Adrian seemed to be all right, people around him started to notice some disturbing things. Yes, Adrian has always been somewhat anxious. However, after the break-up, he began to obsess about certain things, including his parents’ health. He began to fear that they would get sick and die.

His colleagues also noticed some strange things. Adrian is an architect by trade and lately he has been very obsessive about possible mistakes. He is extremely concerned about whether he is doing his job well or not, and whether something bad could happen under his supervision. He is also afraid of not being able to pay his mortgage. He is already working on which costs he should cut if something happens. However, nothing has happened yet.

We have used this imaginary man as an example for a reason. It is estimated that GAD, and the associated free-floating fear that infiltrates almost every aspect of life, affects women more than men. However, of the nearly 60% of those affected who do not receive treatment or even seek help, most are men.

Distraught Man Suffering From Free Floating Anxiety

Why am I worrying about everything?

To understand GAD and the associated free-floating fear a little better, we must first understand the function of fear. Fear prepares us for a threat. It’s a fine-tuned, exceptional adjustment mechanism that allows us to survive. But what if the fear you feel isn’t provoked by a real threat?

What if the fear invades every part of your life? What happens then is you get stuck in a parallel universe that corresponds to your worst nightmare. Because there is nothing worse than living in fear.

Possible causes

Many scientists and neuropsychiatrists are sure that GAD is unlike any other condition. The Stanford University School of Medicine explains that free-floating anxiety is caused by dysfunction in several parts of the brain, including the amygdala.

The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure that makes connections between our emotions, memories and perception. In a person with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the circuits that make up this area are altered. And with it the order and balance of the person’s life. Why this happens is unclear.


Treatments of GAS

Two major approaches are needed to address this clinical condition: medication and psychotherapy. Medication can reduce symptoms and create the necessary conditions for psychotherapy to be more effective.

In general, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( S SRIs used), but other antidepressants are often necessary. Remember that every patient is unique and their personal reality may require an equally unique treatment.


In addition, cognitive behavioral therapy and other stress management therapies are effective in reducing the undue anxiety associated with free-floating anxiety. During these therapies, the patient learns effective confrontation strategies and develops healthier and more adaptive behaviors.

Finally, it’s worth noting that proper nutrition, exercise, and meditation are complementary resources that can help you manage anxiety, focus on what really matters, and learn how to think and live better.

Images Courtesy of Agnes Cecile 

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