Getting Stress From Your Family: How Do You Cope With It?

Getting Stress From Your Family: How Do You Cope With It?

Sometimes you can get stress from your family. There are times when the roots of our family tree hold us captive and won’t let go. We get caught up in their toxic behavior, their demands, their phobias, and their affective ties that are clearly fueled by narcissism. You must learn to deal with these dynamics to protect your dignity and improve your relationships.

Some people say that being born is like falling down a chimney. We never know which house we’ll land in. We don’t know what the first socio-affective scenario will be like. This scenario will determine a large percentage of our psychological structure. We also don’t know what kind of attachment we will inherit from our parents. In addition, we don’t know whether our family will withhold our happiness, whether we are raised in neglect, or whether we will witness an environment where blame, attack, and contempt are normal.

Living with your family

If landing in a good family is almost like a lottery, then surviving the family and coming out unscathed is some tensions and frustrations that we can’t always resolve. It is normal for some problems to persist. As adults, we sometimes clash with the values ​​of our parents or with our aunts and uncles. Sometimes, from time to time, we even compete with our siblings.

Living with others is not easy. However, these antagonistic processes can proceed naturally as long as there is respect. This ensures that we can build on our family, who should be there for us unconditionally. What if this isn’t the case now? What should we do if there is no respect and our state of well-being is continuously undermined and damaged? How should you behave when your family stresses or suffocates you?

Feeling suffocated by your family

Feeling suffocated or stressed by your family

We always tell ourselves that we won’t make the same mistakes again. We convince ourselves that we don’t go to those family gatherings or celebrations that always end badly. We try to be strong and not give in to emotional blackmail by those who always manage to bring our self-confidence back to the ultimate zero. Yet we fall into the same trap every time.

So how can we stop this? After all, it is our family and like all heritage based on blood and genetic ties, we try to respect them. Even if the price of our stoic devotion keeps getting higher and higher. We deal with situations that we really can’t handle and we let ourselves be blackmailed. We keep on swallowing to avoid destroying lifelong relationships in a second.

When your family is stressed, many things come to mind. Maybe it’s time to formalize a final departure? Or are we going to suffocate ourselves for life with this blood tie? There is no need to put yourself in these extreme situations; it is not healthy and tolerable. Let’s see what guidelines you can follow.

How do you deal with a stressful situation in the family atmosphere?

Family disputes can drain you through feelings and conflicting positions. This emotional breakdown can run so deep that you end up processing every word or gesture and blowing yourself up in the context of suffocation by your family.

You must first work on relaxation and finding inner peace. If you have swallowed so much in your life, you will eventually build up immense frustration and anger. You have to channel all these things. Once you’ve been able to air these emotional, tension-filled rooms, it’s time to take the next step.

Define yourself and your identity

When people do not develop a strong sense of identity, an identity that is well defined independent of the family sphere, their emotional well-being is in constant danger. You must cut the umbilical cord and treat yourself as an independent entity rooted in its own ideologies, values ​​and needs.

If your identity and your ‘self’ are strong, then there is no room for doubt. You then know what is good, what is acceptable and what is not. In addition, you see the toxic behaviors and narcissistic acts much more clearly. You also have less difficulty with setting boundaries. You know they are needed to improve society.


You don’t always have to agree with your family

Getting stress from your family is rooted in lack of harmony. It arises because there is a force field where some people act as adversaries and not as facilitators. A common fact in these scenarios is the constant need for approval. We avoid coloring outside the lines so as not to disappoint others.

An authentic family is a unique microcosm where very diverse elements live together in perfect harmony with each other. It is a gemstone, which contains the most varied minerals. All with their own color, fantastic properties and unique characteristics. The beauty of this jewel is its diversity. Everyone is different and exceptional in their own way. We must understand that a good family respects and helps each other, instead of suffocating each other and creating obstacles.

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