Have You Heard Of Happy Slave Syndrome?

Have you heard of happy slave syndrome?

We all know what a slave is; a person who has been deprived of liberty. Like people who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, in which a kidnapped person forms an emotional bond with the kidnapper, a slave may find that he is content with his lack of freedom.

Do you want to know more about this syndrome? Could You Suffer From Happy Slave Syndrome? Below we describe it for you.

Mental chains

When we talk about slavery, everyone thinks that slavery is now obsolete and a thing of the past. But… are we sure of that? A happy slave has many mental chains. This makes it much more difficult to rebel against it, because the chains are in one’s own mind and thus are part of one’s being.

The methods of submission have changed; they are now more subtle, such that we can be happy slaves without knowing it. Nobody likes to be a slave, but what if we are not aware of it? We will reveal the mystery for you:

Being chained up

When you are unable to fight back against humiliation, when you remain dejected in a discussion without speaking up, you are a slave. What are you afraid of? You know you want to raise your voice, but something is holding you back. Or maybe we should say you’re holding yourself back.

The shackles that we may have were not put there by anyone; we installed them ourselves. Rules one must follow to live in society, along with the need to be perfect, often limit the freedom to be ourselves. And unfortunately, we often don’t realize this.

Are you happy to be humiliated? Are you happy trying to be like everyone else? Does the quest for happiness really take you there? Frankly, no.

Are we numb?

Happy slave syndrome can be compared to being sedated. We’re like bodies that actually think the same way. We think we do what we want, but the reality is completely different. We are happy slaves.

Think for a moment about your relationships. Depending on where you live, you have a different concept of relationships, of infidelity, of monogamy. Maybe your relationships are different from the ones you were taught when you were younger, but does that mean you’re not a happy slave?


All people seek happiness, or at least we think that is our goal. But what does happiness mean to you? Having a family? Job security? Happiness is dictated by society. People who rebel against happy slave syndrome are beginning to see the lack of reason behind the illusions and stereotypes imposed on us by the society  we live in.

Uniform thinking makes us feel like we’re no strangers to those around us. We think if we go further, if we really break the chains, they’ll think we’re strange. And we begin to see them as a group of people who all think the same, while we are different.

Do you remember those shoes you didn’t like at all, but you’re wearing now? Media, fashion and society force you to give in. You didn’t like them, but now you’re wearing them. Even if you don’t think your friends are pressuring you to wear shoes you don’t like, society is pushing you to be the same.

Think about your family. Is chauvinism still present? In many families this is the case and do you know why? If we give in instead of rebelling against it, we feel obligated to accept or even be thankful for chauvinistic treatment within our family and will reproduce it in future relationships without realizing it.

This is the reason that, even today, there are still many things that should have remained in the past. People are so unaware of it. They don’t realize that they are reproducing something that they criticized and rejected.

Trying to be yourself is very difficult. It seems like we are all labeled by the same standard and when you deviate from it you look strange to other people. Frustration, pessimism and depression can take hold of you.

You can’t change anyone else, but you can change yourself. Free yourself from the chains. Find your own happiness, disconnect yourself from what society dictates to you.

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