Hopefully One Day Education Will Bring The Same Passion As Football

Hopefully education will one day bring the same passion as football

I hope that one day education will be viewed with as much passion as football. I hope it becomes just as relevant and special that our children and youth have the opportunity to enjoy a good education. An education where discoveries elicit the same emotions as a goal at the last minute.

I wish we could help educators. That their job was respected and well paid. I wish governments would give educators the best resources possible. That way they could teach in a better way, highlighting the individual strengths of each student.

I wish a teen who questions and shows a passion for books would inspire the same hopes in his parents and society as a top athlete. I wish newspaper articles about new scientific discoveries would get as much attention and be collected as the headlines about major competitions.


As we read and ponder these wishes, there are thousands of children who have nothing to eat. Who are looking for a clean place on the floor to read their borrowed book. Who look at their notebook and don’t know what happened. Thousands of kids frustrated with math, thousands of analyzes they don’t understand, wars they don’t know. War, prejudices and beliefs they ignore because of their desire to move forward, to survive.

A significant number of education systems in the world are not good enough. They hinder study time to school hours and do not base their strategies on the knowledge of the children. Although resources are different, poor education is just as common in poor countries as it is in rich countries.

The ‘doctor football effect’

This is an old concept in the health field.  Fewer people come to the emergency room on match days and during major competitions. It is a very interesting phenomenon that causes certain reflection on our passions.

In Spain, several studies have been conducted on this fact, and the conclusion is that there are at least thirty-five percent fewer patients who end up in the emergency room. The percentage is even higher (forty-five percent) when we consider the influx of people coming for minor or less threatening conditions. The difference is important and it invites us to question our habits.

These habits are reflected in the following question: What do we practically ask our children from the moment they can formulate their first words?  “Which team are you for?” We usually don’t even wonder if they are interested in football. We force them to have an answer, to set a goal for themselves.



Education is the foundation of society

The secret of the success behind Finnish education is that their actions are characterized by achieving prestige towards the teachers. Teachers who are carefully selected and who are provided with resources and resources so that they can become great instructors.

Education should instruct each child according to his individual potential. Ensuring that each person can ultimately achieve self-improvement. Not creating generic topics that cannot be edited. Which only cause frustration, boredom, bad grades and losses for society, humanity as a whole and the planet itself, which are difficult to quantify.

The best education system is one where the students progress and achieve better results, individualizing and bending the curriculum. That is, an educational promise based on skill and potential is delivered.


This does not mean that we should stop enjoying sports. It would be stubborn of us not to understand that sport, beyond the playful component, is a source of values. A good team would not be good if the members did not understand the importance of collaboration. If they do not practice the Gestalt principle (the whole is much more valuable than the sum of its parts).

It’s a miracle that education has survived our education system

Education is not good enough all over the world today. Einstein affirmed that it is a miracle that human curiosity has survived education.

We agree that something is missing, and this is not a new or recent problem. Why else would a four-year-old ask more than 100 questions a day, but a 10-year-old only cares about the answers when it comes to a test? It’s an easy question to answer. As a society we trim the wings of our children. And this doesn’t just happen in schools.


A child must be taught the way he is able to learn, a path shaped by his own skills and talents. Because  the point is that it is our right not to all be the same, but to be different and to be treated as such, starting with our education.

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