How Can I Organize My Time Better?

Good time organizing skills can set you apart from the competition when looking for a job. However, the benefits go further. Planning your time better will make you feel better in all aspects of your life.
How can I better organize my time?

Why does it seem like everyone else has more free time than me? Why do I feel like time is slipping through my fingers? How can I learn to organize my time better? Is it possible to reconcile social life, family, work and physical and mental health?

In this article we will discuss all these questions. We offer you some advice on how to make sure your hectic schedule works for you.

Everyone has the same amount of time available every day. Nobody can change that. However, you are in control of how you use that time. Our society is getting more competitive and faster every day. This ability is therefore becoming increasingly important. It can make the difference between finding a job or not, or feeling useful or not.

The first step: planning

The first strategy for a better organization is planning. Spending a few minutes planning your day, week, month, or year will help you effectively prioritize the things you need to do.

This perspective on the future can also help you distinguish between what is urgent and what is less important. How much time does this particular task require? Ask yourself that question before you do anything. Also give yourself a margin of error. Be honest with yourself. Try to estimate which unexpected things can occur.

We give an example. Suppose you planned for today to go to the store, call a friend, send an email to a colleague, make a special dinner, and finish a presentation.

In this case, you should give yourself enough time for each task so that you don’t have to rush. For example, you have to take into account the time for the move, unexpected distractions, queues in the supermarket, traffic, and so on.

Use a calendar or your phone

Organize your time better by using a calendar or your phone

What kind of calendar or planner should you use to better organize your time? A study was conducted at the University of California. It showed that their students were better at remembering and planning when they wrote things down manually (as opposed to tapping the data on a keyboard).

The reason is that writing by hand activates the brain area of ​​fine motor skills. This develops deeper impressions in long-term memory. If you spend time writing things down, your brain will be able to organize ideas and process concepts.

So a written agenda helps you to make a mental map of your time and your tasks. It is also a valuable tool for stopping intrusive thoughts. It forces you to focus your energy on what you really have under control.

Highlighting dates in your calendar can also help you organize your priorities. It activates your visual memory. In turn, that helps your brain to retain information.

Organize your time and your willpower

Organize your time and your willpower

When you wake up in the morning, your mental energy and willpower are usually recovered from the previous day. So many experts recommend using the early hours of the day to do things you least enjoy or are stressed about.

If you wait until a later moment, you are more likely to postpone it. That means more things on your to-do list for the next day and even more stress.

Your brain also needs space to relax. So make sure to capture a moment during the day for improvisation and creativity. It’s really important that you also spend time doing fun things.

Free time and distractions

That means that you also have to leave some time without planning in your day. It will make you feel good. Plus, it will tone down your sense of being a slave to your schedule. In fact, a recent study found that it takes 23 minutes to refocus your attention after a distraction.

On the other hand, the more distractions you have around you, the more time you will need to get things done. A good workspace and adequate planning are essential for productivity and balance. Sufficient sleep, a healthy diet and enough free time are also keys to an active and pleasant life.

Nobody gets extra hours in a day. We all have the same amount of time to work, study and relax. The difference lies in how you organize your tasks and set priorities. Make sure to enjoy every second of your time. What are you waiting for?

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