How Do You Get Through A Breakup?

How do you get through a breakup?

Who hasn’t experienced a painful breakup ? And how did we act after this? Sometimes we are immature and we collapse or try to blame the other person. There are so many feelings rushing through our bodies.

Knowing which phases you will have to go through after a relationship ends can help you cope better. Does time really heal all wounds in the end?

1. Denial

This is the first stage. The breakup is unexpected, unwanted and therefore causes a feeling of denial. Who cares that you’ve been lied to, cheated on, or your partner did the worst thing you could imagine. You don’t care. In your mind only the good memories come up in this phase of denial.


During this first stage, people lie to themselves. They think that maybe it’s just a rough time, a crisis that will pass and resolve itself sooner or later. Unfortunately, they lie to themselves.

2. Anger

The phase that follows the denial is anger. This happens to us when we become aware of the breakup. There is no turning back. But be careful! Remember not to skip this phase; he is essential. Anger is a necessary step to overcome a breakup. Without anger, it’s much harder to move on and shut it down.

Getting angry and furious is something that frightens us and we generally try to avoid it, but don’t suppress your anger as it can hinder your future relationships. So, get mad!

3. Negotiate

Some people try to negotiate with God on their deathbeds to save their lives. In the event of a breakup  , this negotiation takes place with our partner or with ourselves. But, is it worth it?

What are you negotiating about? You might consider different options to prevent the breakup for a while: an open relationship, a long-distance relationship, etc. How often does negotiation really work? This depends on the couple.

4. Depression

It’s when negotiation doesn’t work that you collapse. You now know that whatever you do, the relationship is over and there is no going back. That took a long time! After all the denial, anger, and bargaining, you’ve finally arrived at the even harder to confront stage four: depression.

It is important that you lean on the people who love you. They will help you get over your grief. Try to eat well and get an appropriate amount of sleep. Keep an eye on your health, even if you don’t feel like it at all.

You can allow yourself a few days of loneliness, tears and darkness locked in your room, but don’t let this go on for too long. Try to find strength somewhere and get up !


5. Acceptance

It is important that you get through every phase of a breakup completely. Interrupting the stages isn’t helpful and will only make it harder the next time you have to go through them. Likewise for the negotiation phase, it depends on you whether it will be beneficial or not. If the negotiation works, but the relationship is no longer the same, you may be doing more harm than good.

Once you’ve gone through each stage, all you need to do is accept the breakup. After all that anger and all that crying, you’re fine now! You can run into your ex without feeling lousy. The world around you no longer collapses.

The process of the breakup is over, you have grown and you have learned from it. The first breakup is the hardest, but it will help you handle the next one more maturely.

Are these phases recognizable to you? Do you think there is a stage that could be skipped? Tell us your experiences with romantic relationships ending.  Going through breakups and the emotional growth that comes with them will make us better people.

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