I No Longer Wait For Trains. From Now On I Am The Locomotive

I no longer wait for trains.  From now on I am the locomotive

I no longer wait for trains bearing my name. The days of shattered hopes and dreams that never materialize are over. Because now I’m making the move. I am the one paving the way. From now on I am the locomotive.

Everyone who wants to embark on this journey of discovery with me is welcome. But if you don’t want to, you can also get off at the next station.

Take this simple yet brave attitude. It will certainly be a big step in your personal growth and in your emotional balance that is constantly changing.

But we must admit this. If there’s one thing we’re used to doing, it’s waiting. We fill our waiting time with desperate dreams and with the chisel of perfection. This is just unrealistic.

We give you one important note here. It is society itself that, with its sticky tentacles reaching out in all directions, leads us into the waiting room of life.

But despite this, no one can take away our attitude. No one can steal the locomotive, the fire inside us.

So it doesn’t matter whether all trains seem to be going in the opposite direction at first sight. For you are firm and you continue on your path, following your dreams and ideals. You can’t wait. You can’t stop.

The locomotive that races past

When ‘waiting’ feels like our lives are on pause

At times it feels like someone has pressed the pause button of our lives.

Maybe you’re not in a relationship, you’re unemployed, you’ve failed at something personally, or you’ve been rejected professionally or emotionally.

These examples are true for many of us. They fester in our deepest being until they paralyze us.

Now, however, we must recognize that life is never on pause. For life vibrates and buds and moves constantly. But what made us stop is our spirit, willpower and motivation.

Bernice Neugarten was one of the first psychologists to study adult development. She studied the complicated periods in life when people really feel that their lives have come to an end. Life is frozen in a gray, motionless and dull frame.

Neugarten developed the Life on Hold theory . According to her, it is a transition phase that we all have to learn to deal with. The main problem is that our view of the future is often too ambiguous, uncertain or even pessimistic.

We then have thoughts like ‘my train has already passed, I will not find the right man’ or ‘obviously I will not find a good job’. These words betray a mindset that makes this phase of waiting even longer. Plus, it makes the transition to something better even more difficult.

Girl standing at a station

How do we leave the platform of the dreams that never come true

We live in the world of come back tomorrow, I’ll call you, when you do this, you’ll get that. So we live in eternal waiting rooms. We keep wondering if that thing called happiness is cheating. Maybe it’s a prize you win when you have enough points.

Trains pass by, opportunities come and go. But no train, no chance ever seems to bear our name. How then can we survive in this world, in the midst of this scenario of uncertainties?

We will now give you some simple things to think about.

the locomotive

Three keys to become the locomotive of your own life

  • The first key is simple: you need to be clear about your goals. What is your point on the horizon? However, it is a good idea to define this goal exactly and realistically. Moreover, it must match your possibilities. But you should never underestimate your potential.
  • In her theories on life stages, Bernice Neugarten gives us a second factor. We must practice every day for our future. It is not enough that we dream about the future.

If I want a good partner, I have to take care of myself as a person first. I have to grow and become the one I wish to find in other people. If I want a good job, I have to invest in it every day by preparing myself professionally and mentally.

  • The third part of this plan is equally interesting. We need to feel like proactive and creative protagonists. So this means that we have to stop feeling submissive towards something or someone. If society has no place for me, then maybe I should make this place for myself.

Maybe I should invent something new, or add something new to the work team. Maybe I should be that one train in motion, surrounded by immobility…

Finally, we pass this on to you. Someone once said that life is not just a matter of escaping death. It also means enjoying our existence every day. We should not limit ourselves to just breathing and letting things take their course.

Let’s be the engine of our own growth. We are active, hopeful and realistic, yet optimistic beings. For we are creatures of incredible power and able to give the world wonderful things.

At the same time, let’s create our own happiness, the happiness we truly deserve. 

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