Tell Me The Truth And I’ll See If It’s Too Loud Or Not

Tell me the truth and I'll see if it's too hard or not

Nobody likes to be lied to. You’re not doing me any favors telling me lies for my own good or determining for me what I should and should not know. If the truth is hard, then I’m the one to think about this.

People have a nasty habit of hiding the things they do, say, or think because they don’t think they’re hurting anyone. In reality, however, nothing is as hurtful as a lie, as when someone hides things, as hypocrisy. These kinds of things make us feel small and vulnerable, while at the same time creating mistrust and insecurity.

Nothing breaks me down and makes me feel more uncomfortable in my gut than when someone decides for me, betrays my trust, or assumes I’m incapable of tolerating or experiencing certain things.


Every feeling counts

Throughout our lives we experience a lot of sadness and we shed hundreds of tears over all kinds of situations that others create for us. However, none of these feelings and emotions are in vain; quite the contrary. Almost everything we have learned, we have learned through trial and error.

In addition, pain can help us to know and understand ourselves better, and to understand that nothing lasts forever. That way we can better maintain our emotions, or in other words, leave the tunnel.

Our life is ours, we live this life how we want and not how other people want. Would we decide for someone who to love and how? No, that would be madness. People have tried, but almost always without success. This is because it is unjust to try to determine such a thing for someone else.

Woman at Lake

How powerful it is to say things right to my face

When you say something right to my face, you’re just being nice. Nothing more nothing less. People confuse this with a lack of manners, tact or discretion.

Honesty is a term that leads to confusion. In addition, everyone has their own version of the truth, allowing us to know that it is more than just a matter of telling the truth. Honesty doesn’t mean just popping out whatever comes to mind, or bluntly expressing certain thoughts, or saying what you want when you want it. At the same time, being fair, empathetic and ethically honest doesn’t mean you’re telling a twisted version of reality, but rather that you’re talking to the right person at the right time.

Honesty can make us friends, who have loyal and honest friendship. That is, honesty can make us good people. Of course, people don’t always have bad intentions. Yet it is important to know that concealing the truth causes us to lose the respect of the person from whom we are concealing the truth.

We shouldn’t have to make choices for other people. This is precisely what can harm them. A form of evil that is irreversible and that breaks the rules of any solid and balanced relationship. In fact, lying to someone deprives them of the opportunity to deal with their own pain and learn the lesson they apparently need to learn. That’s why lying is so unfair and mean.

Head on Shoulder

Honesty only hurts people who live in a world of lies

Honesty never hurts; what hurts is reality. Being honest is always a great gesture, whether it upsets someone or not. Nevertheless, a person may still prefer to continue living in his fantasy world, in which he is blind to reality.

However, the bad thing about lying and hiding the truth is that it makes the truth more likely to be questioned. This destroys the trust, the certainty and the deep feelings of love. In short, the truth builds up and lies break down. We are all capable of facing the reality of the things that affect us and thus solving the harm they could cause.

We cannot go through life hoping that our road will be full of rose bushes, nor can we live our lives for someone else. We should choose to be honest and not deprive others of the opportunity to grow and overcome the adversities and inconveniences of their existence.

Ultimately, it is important to remember that we cannot protect others by lying to them. This will only hurt them more in the long run.

–Images courtesy of Claudia Tremblay and Christian Schloe–

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