Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

Today is the first day of the rest of your life

Today is a present and therefore the English word for the present is “present”. Besides these kinds of expressions that you’ve probably heard before, it’s a good idea to think about the time you have left and how you will use it. Of course we don’t know when to say goodbye to this beautiful world.

Today is the beginning of your new life. Today is the time to put your mistakes behind you and learn from them. Today is the beginning of a wonderful future, full of satisfaction. You have to make the decision to go for it and break with the person you were yesterday.

Today is important

Excess of the past or future prevents us from being happy in the present. We cannot change what has happened and what will happen is a mystery. If we think about the present instead, we will be much happier. Want to see evidence?


“Today I start my diet.”
“I’ll call my girlfriend next week.”
“When I graduate, I have time to do some exercise.”
These are all excuses not to start something today.

It is true that there are only 24 hours in the day and we cannot do everything we want. Maybe it’s time to analyze what our priorities are and give them the meaning they require.

Think of today like it’s your last day

What would you do if, for whatever reason, you found out today that today was the last time you would see the sunrise? Who would you visit? What words would you say? How would you feel? I suggest you do this exercise every day. You should not think about death, but about using the time in the best way possible.

Don’t wait for tomorrow to apologize, tell someone you love that person, or give someone a hug. Today is the best time for a reunion, unsaid words or the actions we never thought of. If you don’t want to do it today, when? Don’t let the opportunity escape. Don’t save anything for the future, because as you know it is uncertain.

Today is going to be a great day

The exact moment you realize how wonderful life is to live in the present and not in the past or future, you can enjoy the smallest parts of your existence, like the rain, a butterfly flying around you or watch a sleeping child for a few minutes.

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. These words are an ode to contentment, to release from the chains, and it does you great good to do so. Resentment, hatred, anger and depression are feelings that weigh down your heart and prevent you from being free. Through this break, you have decided that by living today, you can get rid of this and lighten every step.

Happy Wife

Don’t be afraid of this. Remember, this is your greatest gift and no one can take it away from you. Regardless of your age, whether you are old or young. Enjoy everything you have around you, no matter how small.

You always have the option to start. From today, you will become the person you can be proud of. Be your own hero. Take the responsibility to keep improving yourself. Don’t forget to smile, be grateful, love and forgive.

Today is the most important day of your life. It is the ideal day to become a new person, full of good intentions and without any pressure, harmful feelings or ties to the past.

As you walk, look at the path, your shoes, and the landscape around you. Don’t turn your head to see what you’re leaving behind and don’t use binoculars to bring the future closer. Step by step you will get closer to everything you want. Remember that today is the start of something better.

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