We Can Transform Education

A child is much more than a passive receiver of knowledge. Herein lies one of the greatest challenges for today’s education systems. It is not easy to drive students out of the passive positions they adopt out of habit.
We can transform education

Many learning centers have left the college model behind. Instead, they want students to leave the classroom with more than just theoretical knowledge. We are talking about places where we teach children critical thinking skills and transform education.

Here they find it important that students only accept ideas that are based on solid arguments and verified empirical data. These learning institutions argue that teaching that is integrated with new methods and learning that is both cooperative and collaborative is superior to older models.

Under such a system, teachers stop trying to transfer knowledge. Instead, they try to bring out more participation rather than fill the minds of the students with information.

In other words, teachers guide their students and determine the topic they are going to discuss. The students then let the teacher know what they are really interested in. In most cases, this goes beyond just textbook material.

We can transform education

Education that goes beyond books

This is a methodological gamble that puts textbooks aside and prioritizes human development. It allows students to use mobile phones and tablets in the classroom, among other things.

It breaks with time periods and spaces that normal school organizations traditionally establish. In addition, it is very different from many proven systems. As you might imagine, all this stirs up certain fears and doubts among traditionalists.

This methodology requires more effort than traditional lecture-based classes. Apart from that, it considers textbooks to be the comfort zone. Any other method means more resources, more work, more time and, most importantly, more uncertainty.

Students explore and teachers are primarily the guides. Learning is built up little by little, with the student creating the content based on different sources of information.

In doing so, they learn to distinguish between reliable and unreliable information. The purpose of testing is also to learn, not just pass or fail the student. This reportedly aids in the student’s personal and academic development.

Different methodologies that differ from traditional learning

Flipped classroom

This is a methodology that ‘turns around’ the classroom. More specifically, the teachers ask the students to study at home and work on group activities in the classroom. They have access to content that the teacher provides and creates. Some examples of such content are blogs and videos.

The student truly becomes the center of the learning experience. They do participatory activities in a dynamic and interactive learning process. The teacher, on the other hand, assumes the role of just an accompanying presence.

Project-based learning

The main goal of this methodology is that the student learns by doing. The end result is a final project that addresses a real-world problem. Yet the really important thing is not the end, but the road to it.

This method also allows teachers to let the student apply the acquired knowledge in diverse and changing circumstances. This is intended to help them understand how to handle real life situations more skillfully.

Gamification to transform education

This methodology tries to transfer elements of gaming to education. It is a fun way to motivate students. As with all games, the instructor establishes goals and practices as you play.

They can define levels, different challenges and prizes. In this way, they direct the game to cover the content they intend to teach.

Thinking learning

This type aims to make students think with a set of guidelines set by the teacher. The main aim is to make the students think reflexively and critically about study topics or content. It emphasizes information decision-making skills to develop creative ideas and deeper understanding.

Many possible ways to transform education

These and many other alternative methods are potential options for educators to transform education. They can help develop a learning and education system that doesn’t just focus on memorization to pass an exam.

Instead, they try to go much further than that, by putting the student at the center of the process. Thus, the student can have a much more important learning experience.

Most of these educational strategies have also been around for many decades. Yet new technology is now enabling these strategies to evolve.

Active participation instead of just listening to the teacher

The importance of technology

Technology has also become a part of our daily lives. New technologies offer favorable opportunities for the learning and teaching process. They can help transform education by linking knowledge to real-world applications and to students’ interests and motivations.

School and education should not remain static institutions. Nor should they remain on the margins of social changes. Integrating technology into classrooms is necessary to enable young people to progress smoothly in this new society.

Alternative Methods Transforming Education

However, experts have not yet identified a single perfect system for learning. As such, new methodological and social challenges in education must focus on educating children as citizens of the future.

These methodologies require more effort than classes in which the student adopts a passive and receptive attitude. They do not use exams as the only means of evaluation. Instead, they encourage students to participate in a more active and motivating way.

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