What Is Morphodysphoria?

What is morphodysphoria?

There are some syndromes, conditions and diseases that not much is known about. Sometimes even those who suffer from it are not aware of this. Their symptoms go unnoticed due to lack of knowledge. Today we will discuss an important disorder that is more common than we think: morphodysphoria or BDD after the English ‘body dysmorphic disorder’.

What is morphodysphoria (BDD)?

The disorder is characterized by excessive concern about the body and appearance. Usually, the person spends a lot of time on his behavior to check what his body looks like. The symptoms are usually amplified when they feel they are being watched.

Many of their actions consist of repetitive behaviors, such as constantly looking at themselves in the mirror, grooming their appearance excessively, comparing themselves to others, or hiding those parts of the body they are not happy with and perceive as negative.

According to a study by the Spanish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery  (SECPRE), the number of people in Europe and America suffering from BDD is increasing because their symptoms are considered “normal” on a social level and not seen as pathological.

This syndrome causes people to feel and see themselves as ‘extremely ugly’, although that is not the case. The body parts they are most concerned about  are : skin, hair, nose, eyes, chin, lips or other body parts such as the knees, legs and chest.

A US survey of 30,000 people, published in Psychology Today, found that 93% of women surveyed and 82% of men surveyed are concerned about their appearance and work every day to improve it and feel good. .

Most patients with this syndrome are young, with a higher proportion of males than females. Studies confirm that it starts during puberty, when the individual is more concerned about his image, feels more watched and has a more active social life. The average age of onset of symptoms of the condition is seventeen.

Many of these young people go under the knife, even though BDD is a mental problem, not a physical one. Therefore, the psychologist Gustavo Bustamante says that it is likely that none of the people who undergo cosmetic plastic surgery will ever be satisfied with the results.

What are the causes of BDD?

Society emphasizes appearance over intelligence, without keeping in mind the true inner beauty.

It is possible that there is a dual origin of the disease: psychological and biological. In biological terms, the explanation focuses on a particular genetic predisposition to a mental disorder and an imbalance in neurotransmitters in the brain. Psychologically, the excessive attention given to appearance is caused by a lack of self-confidence.

How is it diagnosed?

The main symptoms to detect this disease are abnormality in the routine or in the basic activities such as:

  • Avoiding social events where many people are present.
  • Self-harm caused by dissatisfaction with their bodies, which may lead them to later undergo cosmetic surgery, which presumably allows them to overcome this erroneous perception.
  • Spending a lot of time on the body that they believe has a problem and cannot find a solution.

How does the treatment proceed?

Recognizing that this problem has a psychological origin is the first and most important step. From there, people can work on increasing their self-confidence and learning to accept themselves, both physically and mentally.

Support from family and friends is also important. Loved ones can help by highlighting the inner talent of the person struggling with this disorder.

For every disorder, syndrome and pathology, love is essential and the healthiest, most beautiful and accessible antidote, along with appropriate psychological treatment. Giving a lot of love and unconditional support to the person will also be very helpful in this case.

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